Origin of Spanish Moss

After many long months at sea, Spanish sailors landed in Florida upon sighting some beautiful Indian maidens who were sunbathing on the beach. One Spaniard chased a beautiful maiden into the woods. But she trotted up a tree out his reach. »

It’s gonna be really f*cking cold in Florida; impending snow, death, mayhem

(WTFF) – Put on extra pairs of socks before you step into your sandals this week, because Florida’s gonna get really f*cking cold and we’re all gonna die*. »

Mosquitoes forced to feed off diseased rats because of pythons taking over the Everglades

It now appears that two of Florida’s worst environmental issues have joined forces. Invasive Burmese pythons are disrupting the Everglades to the point where mammals are now extremely scarce, and mosquitoes are forced to feed off rats that carry dangerous viruses. A new study published in the journal Biology Letters from the University of Florida […] »