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Accidental Shootings in 2017 – Winners and Losers

Where in Florida are you most likely to get shot by an accidental bullet?

Which counties have the least responsible and most responsible gun owners?

With 2017 behind us, it’s time to look at what the numbers say.

We compiled data from gunviolencearchive.org to count up all the accidental shootings in 2017. There were 133 incidents total. Some people died, some people didn’t. Some shot themselves, some shot others. Keep in mind these are only reported incidents that have had police reports filled out. No one statistic can ever describe a phenomena completely. Numbers tell the truth, but they also deceive.

With that being said, let’s see who the winners are!

Per WTF Florida’s lousy editorial standards, first place (winning) goes to the zone with the MOST accidental shootings, and then we move on down the list (losers). This is not scientific, or per capita, or any of that.

The results from 2017:

1. Central – 28 accidental shootings

Congratulations Central Florida! Mickey Mouse Headquarters wins the grand prize for the highest number of accidental shootings! Most of the incidents took place in Orlando.

Central (Old People and Mickey Mouse): Lake CountyMarion CountyOrange CountyOsceola CountyPolk CountySeminole CountySumter County

2. Southeast – 26 accidental shootings

A very close contender. The “Miami” zone wins second place, losing a tie with Central by only two points.

Southeast (Miami, basically): Broward CountyMiami-Dade CountyPalm Beach County

3. Northeast – 23 accidental shootings

Jacksonville pretty much held all the weight for the Northeast’s third place victory. Saint Augstine did their part too.

Northeast (Daytona and Jacksonville, basically): Duval CountyFlagler CountyNassau CountySt. Johns CountyVolusia County

4. Central West – 17 accidental shootings

The Tampa Bay: a.k.a. The Wild West. The only explanation we have for them not ranking number one is that nobody there ever goes to the hospital or calls the cops.

Central West (Tampa Bay): Hardee CountyHillsborough CountyManatee CountyPasco CountyPinellas CountySarasota County

5. Southwest – 13 accidental shootings

Fort Myers did almost half the work for this zone. Lehigh Acres gets an honorable mention too. Congratulations.

Southwest (The Everglades): Charlotte CountyCollier CountyGlades CountyHendry CountyHighlands CountyLee County

6. Northwest – 11 accidental shootings

This almost isn’t fair. People in the Panhandle use guns more than Miamians drink cortaditos, so just by sheer volume they are guaranteed to have some accidents. Nobody died as a result though. These people are professionals for the most part, but of course, alcohol is a hell of a drug and sh*t happens.

Northwest (The Panhandle): Bay CountyCalhoun CountyEscambia CountyFranklin CountyGadsden CountyGulf CountyHolmes CountyJackson CountyJefferson CountyLeon CountyLiberty CountyOkaloosa CountySanta Rosa CountyWakulla CountyWalton CountyWashington County

7. Central East – 10 accidental shootings

Still in the double digits, but still not very impressive.  Thank all the rednecks who study the NRA Gun Safety Bible for putting this zone in almost last place.

Central East (North North Miami): Brevard CountyIndian River CountyMartin CountyOkeechobee CountySt. Lucie County

8. Big Bend – 5 accidental shootings

The Big Bend is all “country,” but more Florida and less Alabama. Y’all win last place. Good job.

Big Bend (Hickville): Alachua CountyBaker CountyBradford CountyCitrus CountyClay CountyColumbia CountyDixie CountyGilchrist CountyHamilton CountyHernando CountyLafayette CountyLevy CountyMadison CountyPutnam CountySuwannee CountyTaylor CountyUnion County


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Accidental Shootings in 2017 – Winners and Losers

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[…] stupid if they find that gun. Our people know guns. We breathe guns. Northwest Florida only had 11 accidental shootings last year, compared to Central’s […]


[…] stupid if they find that gun. Our people know guns. We breathe guns. Northwest Florida only had 11 accidental shootings last year, compared to Central’s […]