(181 found)
Category: Memes
Memery from the Funshine State.
Memes categories:
Florida State Symbols
El Chompo
Florida: Opioids, Meth, Guns, Incest, Illiteracy
Sick of Florida
Yeah I Like Florida

— To be fair though, yes, Florida’s fucked up, but have you seen America lately? »
Florida Interstates
Denied Hand Shake
Conflict in Literature
Ocala Drugs Drive-Thru

Ocala, Florida: Home of the Dopest Drive-Thrus. »
Buying drugs in Florida
California and Florida

From the WTF_Florida subreddit. »
Tourist Season
Florida University
Why Can’t You Be Normal?

Like mother, like daughter. Like father, like son. Like country, like state. Florida’s fucked up, but the United States is far more fucked up than our little peninsula. Highest incarceration rate in the world. Life expectancy lower than 42 other countries. Trump supporters. Florida. There’s a lot of reasons for the rest of […] »
A Transplant Meets a Floridian Florida Man
Big Sugar

The massive, toxic algae bloom currently swirling around the peninsula of Florida has its origins in an ongoing cycle of political manipulations, kickbacks, loosening of environmental and water regulations, an aging water-transfer infrastructure in and around Lake Okeechobee, and a Governor in the pocket of Big Sugar. It all adds up to one vicious chain, […] »