WEATHER REPORT: It’s starting to cool down this Fall! In Miami expect lows in the mid-70s and highs in the 80s today. The panhandle will face highs in the low to mid-90s. The ruling elite will do everything in their power to convince the working class to destroy each other. Resist the bait that mainstream […] »
(108 found)
Category: Random Thoughts
Random Thoughts
Hate from all sides
WTF Florida has managed to garner hate from every single political and societal affiliation. That’s probably an accomplishment, considering the fact that society is fundamentally broken. »
Florida is the 4chan of the United States. The United States is the 8chan of the world. »
30-50 Feral Gators

Legit question for rural Floridians – How do I kill the 30-50 feral gators that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play? »
Turn off the TV
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Corporate news stations intentionally provoke emotions to foster engagement. Their motive is not to inform people, but to monetize the time and attention spent on irrelevant and exaggerated matters. Step away from the TV and face reality. Encourage others to do the same. »
Ignore Trolls
Jumping into chaos (arguing with fools, trolls and those with no decency) will inevitably poison your mind. It’s better to use our energy on positive efforts with people who respect our time. »
When cops have quotas like car salespeople, you know our society’s fucked.
War on Drugs

We would like to take a moment to honor and thank everyone who died or spent time locked in a cage for providing a valuable service to U.S. residents. Those who were punished by a violent and oppressive state for exercising their supposed liberty and freedom, we salute you. The most dangerous thing about “illegal […] »
The Role of Corporate News Media
The role of corporate news media is to publish irrelevant nonsense in deceitful manners to infuriate, placate and manipulate members of the proletariat for profit and control. »
TRAFFIC ADVISORY: everyone on the road is a fucking idiot, so watch out.
Surviving Summer With No A/C
Tips for surviving summer with no A/C in your house: »
Corporations During Pride Month

Where the fuck were all these corporations when being gay was against the law? Why didn’t they make their logos rainbow-colored when police were arresting, beating and killing people for how they dress, or for their sexual preferences? »
When life gives you Florida, make headlines
We’re not partisan at WTF Florida. We’re simply opposed to bigotry, cruelty and hatred. If that criteria excludes your political camp, then perhaps you should take a deep and objective look at your life, and question your fundamental beliefs. »
Old Media / New Media
The New York Times publishes false information to stir up illegal wars. CNN baits anxious Democrats. Fox News baits angry Republicans. Almost all corporate media is toxic garbage for the mind and soul. Their frivolous and skewed stories intoxicate us with anger and hope, yet do nothing to elucidate the roots of the tragedies being […] »
Why do we bitch so much?
Part of healing the divisions in this country involves laughing at ourselves and becoming more humble. It also involves exposing media tricks that are used to manipulate the senses. We try to use sarcasm to elicit truth. Sometimes we suck at it and the message at the depth falls flat. Sometimes it’s kinda funny and […] »
Florida and the United States
Say what you want about Florida, but if you live in the U.S., your state’s an absolute fucking mess too. »
Narcan is the CPR of the United States. »
The War on Drugs
It’s almost like the “War On Drugs” is a complete failure that weaponized the police against American citizens, enabled drug smugglers to build empires that fund actual crime like human trafficking, took away our individual freedom of choice, increased the amount of overdoses and deaths due to unregulated product strength and content, allowed pharmaceutical companies […] »
Hurricanes are a valuable tool in gentrification
Hurricanes are a valuable tool in gentrification. »
Florida’s Drug Cartels
Funny how the 7 companies that gave millions of dollars to politicians can sell cannabis in Florida, but if anyone else tries, they’re locked into cages by people with guns, courtesy of our tax dollars. »
Legislative Bills
Any “news” article that claims a “proposed bill” or “new legislation” could do this or that outrageous thing, without referencing the actual bill or providing links to House/Senate websites to let you read it, is full of shit. Most of the news in America is just inflammatory click-bait designed to pester, annoy, enrage and divide. […] »
Books and Guns
Republicans want to ban books. Democrats want to ban guns. We’re all going to be illiterate and defenseless if we let these politicians have their way. »
Their News Versus Our News
We treat the news just as seriously as any other news outlet. That’s how you know our whole society’s fucked up. News in America is basically just ridiculous entertainment carefully arranged to deceive, enrage and divide the masses. It’s powered by greed, as editors produce click-bait to sell more ads on. Since only a few […] »
A Civilized Man’s Heaven is a Florida Man’s Hell
Winter Solstice
Today is the “Winter Solstice,” when Florida transitions from SUMMER into summer. ☀️ »
State of Florida
Written by Randy W. State Of Florida: Miles and miles of strip malls with divorce lawyers, tattoos, pawn shops,etc., Wal-Marts every mile, trailer courts, trailer parks, trailer trash, malls, strip malls, mini-malls, cops, artery-clogging steak houses, McDonald’s/Wendy’s/Burger Kings every 3 blocks, constant hot/humid weather, dixie this, dixie that, little lizards climbing the trees, “neighbors” who […] »
The South is a toilet and Florida’s the drainpipe. »
Immigrant Invasions
The best defense against “immigrant invasions” is to let the world know what living in the U.S. is really like. »
Trip Patrol
There should be a serious constitutional amendment to legalize all drugs. Take the role away from cops so they can focus on violent crimes. Create a “trip patrol” who come equipped with mental health training to talk down “bad trips” but with a few backups who can tackle drunk people and PCP users if needed. […] »
Banning Things
Banning things in general is a wasteful, stupid and unfruitful endeavor. »
The articles on WTF Florida often have a liberal slant. We do that on purpose because it’s funny and we do actually support many left-leaning ideas in politics, such as treatment over prison for drug addicts, free access to quality health care and education, treating our environment with respect, and generally making progress. One distinction […] »
White People – Saying Racist Shit
White people love saying racist shit and then complaining about getting called racist. »
Prison + Profit
It’s almost like arresting drug addicts and spending tax dollars to put them in overpriced storage containers only to release them later with no rehabilitation and with a record that denies them from having a good job doesn’t really work for society. Are humans actually so ignorant that they believe these efforts are effective? Or […] »
Banning Guns
Banning guns to prevent violence is like teaching abstinence-only programs to prevent pregnancies. »
Stand Your Ground
If someone tries to assault you in any way, be sure to Stand Your Ground and place a bullet inside of them. If you let them live, they could hurt someone else. If you go through the courts, the assailant will be untouchable if they have money or political clout. Do the world a favor and exercise […] »
America’s the Florida of the world. »
Liberal Twitter Feed
Show a topic that makes you angry, but one that makes you feel solidarity with other angry people. Show another one. And another. Show an ad about something that some advertiser thinks you might want to pay for, based on your data. Like-minded people agreeing with each other. BUY CRAPPY PIZZA FROM THIS GIANT CORPORATION […] »
Today marks the transition from SUMMER into summer. »
Yeah I like FLORIDA
Ferocious wildlife Lortabs Oxycontin Rent-A-Wheel Indecent exposure Dying of heat stroke Alligators Fentanyl Lottery Tickets Old Money Red Tide Idiocracy Drug Addiction Assholes »