WTF Florida has managed to garner hate from every single political and societal affiliation. That’s probably an accomplishment, considering the fact that society is fundamentally broken. »
Tag: Censorship
WTF Florida Banned from Facebook Again

Predictably, we’ve been blocked from managing our Facebook page @WTFFlorida again. »
Street Reporters

In order to keep up with the ever-increasing volume of f*ckery in Florida, we’re calling for participation in a citizens journalism initiative. We encourage our readers to become active participants in the news cycle, instead of just consuming what mainstream media disseminates. This gives everyday Floridians the power to shape their own narratives instead of […] »
Terms of Use in a Nutshell
Basically, we ain’t responsible for shit, you ain’t responsible for shit, everyone can say whatever the fuck they want. Nobody can (successfully) sue us for libel, because our shit’s tight and we only report facts directly from arrest affidavits or other news sources. Nobody can sue use for making fun of them because of 17 […] »
Hell Yeah Brother, I Eat Ass

Photographed in Fort Lauderdale on A1A heading north, right before Las Olas. The billboard references our Florida hero, Dillon Webb, who bravely got arrested for writing “I eat ass” on his pickup truck. »
Floridian Arrested for ‘Derogatory’ Sticker on Truck

Lake City (WTFF) – A man defending his First Amendment right was arrested Sunday afternoon for a sticker on his truck’s window that one deputy alleged violates a state obscenity law. »
New Florida Law Would Make it a Felony to Buy ‘Objectionable’ Literature For Public Classrooms

Tallahassee (WTFF) - Bills in the House and Senate propose a law that would ban any books with "prohibited" content from public school classrooms, and charge employees and volunteers who provide such materials to students with a felony. »
Maturity and Legal Threats
Maturity is replying to legal threats with anything other than, “suck my peninsula,” or “read our terms and then go fuck yourself.” »
Facebook Deletes Posts that Make Facebook Look Bad

UPDATE 8/23 1:46 PM – Facebook finally reinstated all three posts. So, we’ve posted this story 3 times on our WTF Florida page, and it’s been deleted 3 times automatically by Facebook. »
U.S. Court Blocks 3D Gun Information Again

The Internet (WTFF) – A website housing blueprints for 3D-printed guns has been shut down by a federal judge. »
Fuck Facebook For Putting Profit Over Freedom of Speech

They said they want to cut down on “low quality” meme pages, but they took a lot of fucking money from Russians, letting them buy divisive, shitty click-bait ads that slammed millions of Americans with propaganda. »
Facebook Shuts Down the “Florida Man” Page Again

The Internet (WTFF) – For at least the second time, the “Florida Man” Facebook page has been shut down. »
Backpage Seized by FBI has been seized by the FBI as of April 6, 2018, and their website is shut down. »
Craigslist Personal Ads Shut Down after Congress Passes FOSTA Law

In response to the new “FOSTA” law, HR 1685, Craigslist has decided to remove their personal ads section. You can read their update here. »
Facebook Prison
YouTube Bans Certain Videos about Firearms

YouTube has updated their policies to prohibit certain kinds of content featuring firearms. »