Written by: Irvine Bernard Wyatt – Florida ain’t what it used to be no more. Libtards done messed it all up, just like they ruined America. Thank God for Trump who’s gon’ MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, lahk it used to be. Since Flawrduh’s part of Murka, it’s gon’ get great again too. »
Are you a parent? Are you afraid of everything? Are you really fucking stupid and easy to trick? If you answered YES to all those questions, you should be freaking out right now. »
Written by: Irvine Bernard Wyatt Liberals are always looking for a way to take away our guns. This incident will add more ammo to their attack on our Second Amendment rights. »
This is totally not click-bait. We are totally NOT exploiting a potential natural disaster that could kill thousands of people just to boost our advertising revenue. Nobody does this, especially not big news sites. »