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2018 Leesburg Bikefest Weekend Arrests

This Monday marks the end of Leesburg Bikefest (known simply as “bahk fast” by the locals). It involves motorcycles, alcohol, ass & titties, hair metal bands, and lots and lots of cheap beer. Doctors and lawyers come from all over to cosplay as renegade bikers. Locals show up and party. Dealers show up and sell meth and cocaine. Vendors sell expensive cheap beer. Hippies and locals sell weed. Old hair metal bands go on stage with oxygen tanks. Bikini contests take place. Copious amounts of alcohol and carnival food are sold. Bikes ride up and down Main Street. It’s pretty fun.

Needless to say, the arrest affidavits are always interesting during these times. Here’s just about everything from Lake County this past weekend, put into a very brief format (City – Charges – Extra details). It’s pretty sloppily written, but there were a shitload of arrests and we’re short staffed. Enjoy!

Bikefest Arrests

Friday, April 27, 2018

Leesburg – Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon, Criminal Mischief. Tavian Darnell Shorts. Victim was driving his motorcycle and saw the Florida Man throw garbage out his truck window. The garbage reportedly hit the victim in the face. He drove up to him and got into an argument. In the report, according to the arrestee, the victim “advised him to pull over so he could beat his fucking ass.” The arrestee pulled over on CR 452 and Sun Lake and eventually spat in the victim’s face and picked up a big rock saying he was going to “bust his fucking head open with it.” The victim said the man threw rocks at his bike, damaging it, and then drove off. There was “visible damage” to the bike, so an arrest was made.

Leesburg – Meth, Violation of Probation – An unemployed man living on High Street in Leesburg was arrested for altering a urine sample and possession of meth. A clear flexible tube was found by the Leesburg Probation Office.

Leesburg – DUI – When asked for license, etc., the Mitsubishi driver handed the cop an envelope, then an expired insurance card, then a certificate of title, then a tax collector receipt. Report: “He was finally able to provide me with his registration but no valid insurance.”

Leesburg – Burglary arrest – John Thomas Patrick O’Brien.

Leesburg – Meth Possession – A Florida Native was arrested for meth

Paisley – Domestic Abuse case on Kentucky Street. – Arrestee “…threw an unopened Dr. Pepper can at her face…” and also hit her child.

Eustis – Cocaine

Howey in the Hills – Felon carrying Concealed Weapon, Marijuana

Fruitland Park – Driving without a License

Lady Lake – Meth – Two Florida women were arrested for selling meth at Racetrac. One had meth in her bra.

Montverde – GTA, Leaving Scene of Accident. A stolen white Dodge pickup truck crashed into another vehicle and did not stop.

Leesburg – DUI, Marijuana – Vehicle straddled left solid line, and collided with center raised median. Smoke came out when the window rolled down. She sprayed perfume trying to cover up the dank weed smell.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Leesburg – DUI on motorcycle. Steven Calim. Visiting Bikefest. Born in San Diego, lives in West Palm Beach. He “dropped a five dollar bill” while taking out his ID and “did not even notice.” Bloodshot, glassy eyes. When asked to do a field sobriety test, he simply lit up a cigarette despite being told not to. While the FHP officer was writing up the arrest paperwork, the Florida Man became “increasingly upset.” He called the cop a “cock sucker” and said his cruiser was going to get towed, “whatever that meant,” wrote the officer in the report. “I’ll fucking get you, you mother fucker,” said Florida Man Steven Calim said to the officer after being denied a cigarette.

Clermont – Disorderly Intoxication, Assault on LEO, Resisting w/ violence, Resisting w/o violence – 42-year-old Villages resident Daniel Jonathan Jackson was arrested. He was born in New York and found “stumbling and yelling” near Lillys on The Lake at 846 West Osceola St. While in the cop car he yelled, “Women should not be police officers,” and that he needed to “teach those lady cops a lesson.”

Groveland – GTA, Meth, Reckless Driving, No Drivers License, Paraphernalia. Fleeing LEO, Resisting w/o violence – Wildwood man Chase Logon Unroe reportedly took someone’s Jeep, got pulled over, said “What for?” when asked to step out, and drove the wrong way down S.R. 50 to escape. He then crashed into a tree.

Leesburg – DUI (2nd offense) – Florida Woman crashed her Saturn into a tree on High St.

Leesburg – DUI – Drunk Florida man driving an SUV with expired tag said he “had a few beers.” Slurred speech.

Leesburg – DUI – Kia swerving. Driver was drinking at “Big Dogs.”

Leesburg – DUI – The local had “a beer bottle in plain view between the center console and the passenger seat.”

Leesburg – DUI on Harley motorcycle. Visiting Bikefest from North Palm Beach.

Leesburg – DUI in Ford Focus.

Leesburg – DUI on motorcycle. Visiting Bikefest from Orlando. Told cops he “had three to four Michelob beers,” though he was reportedly slurring speech and refused to take a field sobriety test.

Leesburg – DUI – Motorcycle at Bikefest – Said he had “2 beers” at a bar that the officer “could not understand the name of even after I asked him to repeat it.” Bloodshot eyes. Alcohol on breath. Saddlebag contained “cooler with ice, an open bottle of Captain Morgan white rum, and 5 closed cans of Michelob Ultra beer.”

Eustis – MDMA, Cocaine, Hydromorphone, Clonzepam, Methylphenidate Hydrochloride – Some dude got busted with a bunch of drugs.

Lady Lake – Retail Grand Theft – $504.02 worth of goods from Kohl’s

Umatilla – Meth, Marijuana, Paraphernalia

Groveland – Marijuana

Silver Spring – Prescription drugs w/o prescription, Paraphernalia

Eustis – MDMA, Fleeing LEO, Driving While License Suspended (2 priors), Drug Paraphernalia

Eustis – Marijuana, Hash Oil – doing 40 mph in a 30, pulled over.

Leesburg – Marijuana/Paraphernalia – At Bikefest. Local resident that got busted because their Honda had 5% tint.

Fruitland Park – Trafficking Cocaine (36 grams) – James M Harris of Hollywood, FL was arrested for the trafficking. Passenger arrested for drug possession.

Fruitland Park – Trafficking Meth (252 grams), Trafficking Cocaine (44.1 grams) – James Bret Allen – “continued to yell: ‘I do not consent to a search.'”

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Leesburg – GTA, Xanax possession – An Orlando woman (Ashley Allen Paige) was arrested for stealing a Honda SUV and taking it to Bikefest. Said she “borrowed a vehicle from her friend…” Cops found a text from one of her friends who went to Bikefest with her reading: “I’m not gonna lie… I knew it was stolen, but that was my only ride.

Mount Dora – Curbside Drinking, Resisting w/o Violence, Marijuana, Cocaine, Disorderly Intoxication – A Florida Man on Highland St. was arrested. He “smelt strongly of alcohol and his pants were wet from his own urine.”

Tavares – Domestic Battery – Florida boy hit his step-father because he “wanted more chips and his step-father would not allow him because he had already had two bags, which made him extremely upset,” reportedly.

Leesburg – Cocaine, Marijuana, Paraphernalia – An Ocala couple was driving their old Ford Taurus on a bicycle path.

Leesburg – DUI – Chevy Colorado. Turned into a “Do Not enter” and hit that sign and a stop sign without stopping.

Leesburg – Driving With Suspended License (3rd offense)

Tavares – Burglary – Some items were stolen from vehicles in the subdivisions of Fox Run, Baytree, Groves of Baytree, and more. Nine victims. Three suspects, one arrested.

Howey in the Hills – GTA – A Groveland man stole a Dodge Ram from a Circle K. Owner went inside to wash his hands and left keys in the vehicle’s seat, along with his cell phone, Adderall, and business invoices.

Lady Lake – Aggravated Animal Cruelty – Dogs found in very bad living conditions.

Leesburg – DUI (3rd offense), Driving Without License, Resisting Arrest. On a Harley at Bikefest.

Eustis – Hit and Run – Joseph Anthony Dale Crawford

Fruitland Park – DUI, Marijuana

Lady Lake – Obstruction – Allegedly gave wrong information to a police officer to hide their loved one from the police.

Leesburg – Domestic Battery, Domestic Assault

Leesburg – DUI on motorcycle. Told FHP officer he had just one beer.

Eustis – Burglary, Battery

All are innocent until proven guilty. We’re all guilty of various things so never judge too quickly. You know what they say, “Come on vacation, leave on probation…”

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