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Florida Man Breaks into Dollar General and Steals Beer Wearing a ‘This Guy Needs a Beer’ Shirt

David Devoss, Florida Man

Eustis (WTFF) – A Florida man was arrested after video surveillance caught him forcibly breaking into a Dollar General and stealing beer.

An officer with the Eustis Police Department responded to the Dollar General at 1101 N. Bay St. on Tuesday after 11 p.m. According to the arrest affidavit, the officer found broken glass outside and a cart standing in front of the door. A perimeter was set up, in case the wild Florida Man was still at large. He wasn’t found in the store.

The manager of the Dollar General was contacted. She told police that one of her store’s regular customers was sitting on a curb next to an ice cooler when she was closing up. They locked up around 10:45 p.m.

Around 11:07, surveillance video shows a Florida Man kicking the lower glass section of the sliding glass door window.

He kicked and kicked, but failed several times. Frustrated, he walked away and grabbed a shopping cart.

With several glorious bashes, he used the cart to ram the door until the glass finally broke.

Victory at last. Now what to do?

He “proceeded to go straight to the freezer section” and came back with what looked like two four-packs of Busch Light cans. He stuffed the beer into a trash bag that he pulled out of a red trash can.

Then he grabbed a mop and tried to break the tobacco case open. He wasn’t able to get into it, so he just left the store.

Two days later, on Thursday at noon, a 911 call came in about a “possible drunk person” at the same Dollar General.

The manager thought it could the suspect on the surveillance video.

“He was wearing the exact same shirt as he was at the time of the incident,” reads the report. “The shirt is navy blue and says ‘This guy needs a beer.'”

The pinnacle of Walmart fashion

53-year-old David Devoss was arrested in front of the Dollar General.

While being searched, they found under his shirt a “pack of smoked sausages” and some phone chargers he just stole. $17.95 was the total value.

Devoss admitted to breaking in on July 10. It was actually Natural Ice that he stole, and not Busch Light.

He said he’s addicted to cocaine and homeless.

Back 2002 and 2003 he gathered two shoplifting convictions, and one larceny conviction in Massachusetts. In 1989 he was convicted for shoplifting in East Brunswick, NJ.

He was also a suspect in a local case regarding a stolen laptop. Waiving his Miranda rights, Devoss told police “that he did steal the computer and sold it to a law maintenance worker named Chad for $20.00.”

Devoss was taken tot he Eustis Police Department and then to the Lake County Jail. He remains in there with bond at $17,000. Charges: Retail Theft (4th offense), Burglary, Petit Theft, Criminal Mischief, Grand Theft (over $300, under $3,000).

Like many Florida Mans, David Devoss came from the miserable Midwest. This one was born in Danville, Illinois.

No wonder they love our beaches. source: Wikimedia
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