Barefoot Bay (WTFF) – A Florida woman was arrested in the Walmart parking lot on Malabar Road after customers dialed 911, according to the Palm Bay Police Department.
“The defendant was sitting in the driver’s seat of her vehicle, with no lower clothes on, legs in the air, appearing to be masturbating in the public parking lot,” wrote the arresting officer in their report. (Sebastian Daily)
62-year-old Evelyn Fries Luchesi reeked of alcohol and resisted police as they tried helping her put her pants on.
She was stumbling and slurring her speech while walking.
Luchesi blew a .240 blood alcohol content level, where blackouts are common.
She was charged with DUI and taken to the Brevard County Jail.
She looks hideous… just like the kind of person who would pull out his penis and yell at everyone that they’re gay for looking at his penis.
What else could you do at a Walmart?
What the hell! If we can’t masturbate in a Walmart parking lot then where can we masturbate. I am so sick of all these rules and regulations. The hell with it, I will take my funky fingers to the target parking lot we’re hopefully people are more tolerant and understanding.
They should have took her keys and let her finish and pass out
Well.. She was in her car. Its still gross but its not like she was squatting on all the cucumbers.
She should have gone inside Wally World. Behaviors of all are seen there. I go there for entertainment mainly and bandage supplies. Last trip: Hilarious. I was looking for a sponge mop head and a woman had just stuffed a BROOM down the back of her pants! I was laughing so hysterically I had to roll to the next aisle.
Florida and Cali- See it ALLl in both states. Lol. Lol.
It’s not a crime. Give her a break pigs!
Give her a friggin’ break
Everything happens at Walmart!
I used to yank one out at stop lights but now they won’t let me back on the city bus
She was in her car.. Why is someone in her business??
who tf snitched on this poor woman?