Category: NSFW
Fort Lauderdale Sunbathers [NSFW]

This pic was sent to us by Jeff V, with the comment “Ft Lauderdale beach los olas….probably Euros.” »
The Green Parrot Bar in Key West

Just your friendly Florida neighborhood bar… »
Naked Instagram Model Attacks an Officer in Clearwater

Brissa Dominguez-Garcia, an Instagram model with over 70,000 followers, got kicked out of the Edge Hotel in Clearwater Wednesday night, after causing a disturbance. The night manager told her she was no longer welcome on the property, but instead of leaving she simply walked into another guest’s room, as revealed by security. When police officers […] »
Blowjob for a tip at this Tampa Bay Denny’s [NSFW]

A Denny's patron loved her meal so much that she offered to repay her waiter with oral sex in front of other diners »
Miami People Cheer as a Schizophrenic Woman Strips in Johnny Rockets

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Police have arrested a woman who they say lay naked on a table at a South Beach diner and poured ketchup on herself. Witnesses told Miami Beach police a topless Angelic Valle turned over tables and chairs at Johnny Rockets earlier this month, then removed the bottom of her bikini […] »