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Homeless Florida Man Peeing Outside Publix Offers Cop a Joint


Stuart (WTFF) – A homeless Florida man allegedly asked an officer if he wanted to share a joint.

Anthony D. Rocha, age 48, was going about his day like most Floridians; getting high and going to Publix.

Someone called the Martin County Sheriff’s Office about an unwanted guest at a Publix on Federal Highway. There’s 3 stores on that road in Stuart (any many, many others around it)… WPDE didn’t report which one it was.

One of the employees asked Anthony to leave after he was caught taking a piss outside.

Anthony left and made his way over to Tropical Smoothie, where he started yelling profanity and racial slurs at people. This is just how Florida Man spends his day usually.

A deputy showed up and approached the Florida Man.

Anthony made his acquaintance and offered him a joint, saying that he had cannabis in his backpack.

The deputy asked for permission to search in his backpack, to which Anthony obliged with an affirmative “yes.”

Inside though, there was no joint… just a glass pipe with THC residue (it was tested later). He didn’t even have any weed in there.

He was invited to the Sheriff’s office where he became belligerent again. The feral Florida Man had to be tied up in an emergency restraint chair.

His only charge, according to TC Palm, was possession of drug paraphernalia. Overall a low scoring rap sheet for one day, but he earned extra Florida points for being at Publix.

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