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Florida Woman Gets Out of Rehab, Opens a 12-Pack of Beer with Child in Car

Stephanie Roque

Wellington (WTFF) – A drunk Miami woman was arrested for driving a vehicle containing her child and an open 12-pack of beer.

30-year-old Stephanie Roque was pulled over on Forest Hill Boulevard and Lyons Road at about 11 a.m. on Thursday, according to The Palm Beach Post. Her license was suspended and she, like most Florida Womans, had a “strong smell of alcohol.”

Roque told the deputy that she “just got out of rehab today for a drinking problem,” according to the arrest report.

In the back seat was a child, sitting above a case of beer. Out of the 12-pack, there were only 9 beers left.

She was arrested and charged with DUI and child neglect. She bonded out of the Palm County Jail for $4,000 on the same day.

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