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Florida Man Fires AK-47 at Seafood Market for Running Out of Crawfish

Pensacola (WTFF) – A “sovereign citizen” allegedly opened fire at a seafood market after learning that they had run out of crawfish.

42-year-old Larry Wayne Kelly reportedly fired upon L&T Seafood Market with an AK-47 that he took from his pickup truck after he was told the market had sold out of crawfish on Sunday.

After the business owner told him they sold out of crawsfish, the Florida man became “incredibly irate” and said the business was a “joke,” according to North Escambia.

Luckily, nobody got injured.

Sheriff’s found a 12-gauge shotgun, a Luger TEC-9 pistol, and a 38 Special revolver in his pickup truck, in addition to the AK-47. He also had a book titled “The Sociopath Next Door.”

Kelly told the deputies that he’s a “sovereign citizen” and laws don’t apply to him.

He was arrested and charged with 27 felony charges including “fleeing police, aggravated assault and weapons violations,” but was released on a $32,000 bond the very next day.

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