Leesburg (WTFF) – A Florida man was arrested after a deputy found him sleeping on a woman’s couch.
On Wednesday, around 9 pm, an officer with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office was responding to a trespassing call at a trailer park on Sycamore Lane.
The victim reported “an unknown white male” who had entered her trailer uninvited and “fell asleep on the couch,” according to the arrest affidavit.
The officer found 40-year-old Craig Alan McDonald sleeping on the couch and shook his leg to wake him up.
“Leave me the fuck alone,” the slumbering Florida man replied.

Another attempt to wake the sleepy intruder resulted in a swift kick to the chest.
After kicking the officer, McDonald got up and approached him “in an aggressive manner.”
That’s when he got tased. The first time the probes didn’t quite make contact, but he went down after a second cartridge was deployed.
The five second cycle of electricity completed, and “McDonald quickly jumped to his feet and began swinging his fists” at the officer “in a wild manner.”
A third deployment of the taser put McDonald on the ground.
Then he ran into a bedroom and got partially tased again.
He gave up finally, and “was ordered to lay on the bed, which probably sounded like a good deal to him, considering.
McDonald was taken to Advent Health in Tavares.
At the hospital, he told the deputy “that he had no idea whose residence he was in.”
He stated that “he has been using Methamphetamine on a regular basis,” but hadn’t used any since yesterday.
The Florida Native stated he has a friend “who lives in the same trailer park,” and that’s how he ended up in the wrong residence.
McDonald is facing the following charges: Trespassing Occupied Structure, Battery on Officer, Resist Officer with Violence. His bond remains at $51,000.