A woman with “USA” written over her profile picture replied to this story by saying that “Mask Nazi’s need to back off.” (sic)
Turns out she already caught COVID-19 back in January.
Based on her post locations, she appears to be from Central Florida, not surprisingly.

Gaaah the apostrophe!
The survival rate is higher than 98.8%. Remember how CNN had a ticker counting the deaths in real time? They were obviously just trying to place blame on President Trump. As soon as Biden won the election the counter was taken down. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
It wasn’t just CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, WaPo, NYT that were inflating the numbers to try and hurt Trump’s chances for re-election. If someone on a motorcycle got hit head on by an 18-wheeler, they would test that person for Covid and if it came back positive they would be another Covid death.
After Biden stole the election all of the Fake News “journalists”, hospitals, the FDA, and CDC came out a month later and said stuff like “the number of deaths aren’t being counted correctly because everyone that goes to the hospital is checked for Covid and if the test comes back positive it’s counted”.
They knew they needed to put the brakes on their manipulated statistics as soon as Biden won so he wouldn’t look bad the same way everyone was trying to make Trump look bad.
They caught Covid and recovered like 99.98% of people do
Come on people, if she’s claiming she had it in January, SHE’S LYING. The first U.S. cases of nontravel–related COVID-19 were confirmed on February 26 and 28, 2020.
Even IF she had it, it doesn’t mean she can’t get it again, and WORSE the next time.. People are getting it a second time..
I’m pretty sure the loudest most obnoxious voices simply do not have any “loved ones” .. if they don’t annoy people no one knows they exist..
She may have been one of the lucky ones and only had a mild case, after all according to what has been found thus far, some people have no symptoms yet are still contagious. Someone she loves may not be so fortunate and only then will it hit home.
And we’re supposed to believe this nut? I doubt she had the virus and still talking like this. LIAR!
So she says … where’s the test result? hospital records?