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Naked Florida Man Tries Fighting in Chick-Fil-A Parking Lot

Cory Michael Hatzl, Florida Man

Palm Coast (WTFF) – A Florida man was arrested after reportedly stripping his clothes off and challenging someone to a fight.

The incident began a little after 1 in the morning on Monday in the parking lot of the Chick-Fil-A on Palm Coast Parkway, according to an arrest affidavit.

A witness told police that it began with a phone call from her boyfriend.

She said her boyfriend was riding his bike home from work and rolled past Winn-Dixie when a wild Florida man started chasing him. That man was later identified as 30-year-old Cory Michael Hatzl from Palm Coast.

Hatzl was bleeding from his face and yelling at him.

She caught up with both of them at the Chick-Fil-A. The Florida Man was challenging her boyfriend to a fight when she arrived.

That’s when Hatzl took of all his clothes. The girlfriend told her boyfriend to leave.

Hatzl kept yelling, “you’re gay for looking at my penis!”

Flager County sheriffs showed up and found Hatzl with “dried blood on his nose and no clothing on.”

The officers ordered him to the ground and handcuffed him.

He refused to answer their questions, and just kept yelling “look at my dick, look at my ass!”

They tried putting his shorts on him, but he just kept screaming “look at my dick!” Several vehicles drove by and he yelled the same thing at them.

Hatzl was arrested and faces charges for disorderly conduct and resisting officers without violence.

Bail was originally set at $1,000 until they added two Violation of Probation misdemeanors on Tuesday, resulting in no bond.

UPDATE: We corrected some details that Mainstream Media f*cked up after grabbing the actual arrest affidavit.

Arrest Affidavit

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5 years ago

What is wrong with the fucking comment section

6 years ago

Bathsalts more than likely.

6 years ago

It’s gay to say penis and not Dick.

6 years ago

Was his dick huge or what?