Tag: Crack
Florida Woman Steals From Walmart, Smokes Crack in Police Cruiser

St. Petersburg (WTFF) – A Florida woman arrested for stealing from Walmart was caught free-basing in the back of the police cruiser. »
Florida woman arrested for smoking crack while giving birth at home, hiding baby in backyard

A woman from Clearwater, Fla. was arrested and charged with child neglect after she was caught smoking crack cocaine during a home birth Wednesday. Katrina Kegelman, 24, was reported to police by a friend, who noticed blood covering her clothing while they were hanging out. When the friend figured out what was going on and […] »
350-pound Florida Man flees from Walmart with two stolen TVs, leaving behind his pants and ID. Cops then find crack pipe stuffed with Brillo in his anus.

OCTOBER 5–In a scene deserving of a “Yakety Sax” score, a 350-pound Florida man ran from a Walmart with two stolen TVs, but his getaway was compromised when his pants–containing his ID–“fell off as he ran away,” according to cops who yesterday apprehended the suspect, who had a crack pipe stuffed with Brillo buried in […] »