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Trump signs executive order that could allow Oil Drilling on Florida coast

Despite Florida’s ridiculousness, we must admit that it’s natural beauty is a wonder to behold. President Trump has just signed an executive order that threatens this natural beauty. This order warrants oil drilling in areas that include the South Atlantic Ocean area, which extends south to near Cape Canaveral. You can see the executive order here:


We must not forget the devastation caused in April 20, 2010 when the Deepwater Horizon oil spill discharged 4.9 million barrels of oil into our precious ocean. Infant dolphins were dying six times faster than they did before the spill (Source).

“This is paradise,” said Senator Bill Nelson. “We don’t want to mess it up. We want to keep Florida as this place that is so beautiful so that our families and our guests can continue to enjoy.”

Bill Nelson has filed a bill to block expansion of offshore drilling, which you can learn more about on his website: billnelson.senate.gov

Our coral reef system would be in great danger if this order goes through, which has a domino effect of consequences. Once oil comes into contact with corals, it can kill them or impede their reproduction, growth, behavior, and development. The entire reef ecosystem can suffer from an oil spill, affecting the many species of fish, crabs, and other marine invertebrates that live in and around coral reefs.

Tourism would be affected as well… this should get the attention of those less concerned with life and more concerned with money.

“We have long been wise enough to know that we do not allow oil and gas rigs near our beaches in the state of Florida,” said Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. “They are just too sensitive and too vital to our fishing and tourism economy and our unique way of life.”

This is a non-political issue. This is about making the world we live in a safer place, and preserving the only planet we’ve found so far that can support human life. Let’s try not to destroy it.

“As a delegation, we have always drawn a line in the sand when it comes to drill off of Florida’s coast line and that’s why we’re here again today,” said Wasserman-Schultz. “We’re drawing a deeper bipartisan line in the sand that says “keep your drill baby drill policies away from our vital sensitive Florida coast.”


Trump signs executive order that could allow Oil Drilling on Florida coast

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