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Pair try stealing from ATM using blow torch, weld it together instead

Okaloosa County (WTFF) – Deputies are looking for a pair of men who tried to rob an ATM machine with a blow torch, but ended up welding it together.

Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Deputies say early Friday morning, two white men entered the second floor of the Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island.

Deputies say the men attempted to cut the ATM with a blow torch, but they instead welded the metal parts shut.

Video evidence verified this.

A worker who came to service the machine found the burn marks on the hinges and locks.

Deputies say one suspect had on a black half nose mask with black sunglasses, a black leather style jacket, camo pants, desert tan military style boots, and black gloves. The other suspect wore a tan toboggan style hat, a scarf around his face, a black long sleeve Under Armour shirt, black gloves, black shorts, and white tube socks with multiple colored stripes.

If you have any information on this case, please call the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office at 850-651-7400.

Source: wjhg.com

We are unable to ascertain at this time whether these men are “Florida Mans” or not, though considering the nature of the crime, they’re probably of our peninsula.

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Um Lauts
Um Lauts
4 years ago

Blow torch?
