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Florida man terrorizes Iraqi family, tells sheriff: ‘Trump will handle it’

David Allen Boileau, Florida Man

Holiday (WTFF) – A 58-year-old Pasco County man may face hate crime charges after breaking into a family’s home and making threatening statements.

David Allen Boileau told a sheriff that if he couldn’t get rid of his Iraqi neighbors, “Trump will handle it.”

Boileau first threw nails and screws in the road on Monday, attempting to puncture the tires of a relative of the family, reports Tampa Bay Times.

The U.S. needs to rid the country of all of them,” the Trump supporter told the deputy. “We’ll get rid of them one way or another.”

On Tuesday he was seen by a neighbor yelling at the family’s home and walking around it, eventually walking out the front door.

Nobody was home at the time.

The Wisconsin-born Florida man was arrested.

A wallet with some credit and debit cards went missing, according to the homeowner. The items were not found.

Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco wrote in his report: “David uttered several statements of his dislike for people of Middle Eastern descent prior to being read his Miranda Warning.”

Nocco said he was especially concerned because the family has four small children.

“He said he does not like them, he wished they weren’t in his community,” the sheriff said at a news conference. “Which is ironic because he’s the one who moved into our community.”

Boileau has been arrested before on charges such as domestic violence, battery and burglary. Typical Florida Man stuff.

He’s facing a charge of burglary of an unoccupied dwelling for his latest Trumpian antic. He also had an outstanding arrest warrant for a charge of petty theft from Highlands County.

Sheriff Nocco said his agency will be working with the Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney’s Office and the FBI to see if the charges should be escalated under hate crime statutes.

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Florida man terrorizes Iraqi family, tells sheriff: ‘Trump will handle it’

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