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Florida Man leaves two kids in car while at strip club

Willie Lee Jordan Jr

Fort Myers (WTFF) – A man who left his 3-month-old baby and a 3-year-old child in the backseat of a car while he was inside a strip club was arrested on two counts of child neglect.

Dumb lust brought these unfortunate kids into his life, and dumb lust may take them away.

AP reports that 23-year-old Willie Lee Jordan Jr. was arrested by Lee County sheriffs shortly before 4 a.m. on Nov. 10.

He was inside watching da skrippas shake dey ass for about 30 minutes.

A customer found the two rugrats locked in the car and told the older boy to unlock it so he could help them escape. The baby was “upside down,” whatever that means… Babies don’t really have a direction because they can’t stand up.

Source: wctv.tv

Florida Man leaves two kids in car while at strip club

Category: Crime
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