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Florida Man bullies Publix employees and gets tazed by cops

Bryan J. Walter

ROYAL PALM BEACH – A Palm Beach Gardens man allegedly started an altercation with a Publix Super Market store manager, then fought with Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputies when they attempted to handcuff him, according to an arrest report.

Bryan J. Walter, 21, is facing charges of assault on an officer, battery, resisting an officer with violence and simple assault. He was being held early Thursday at the Palm Beach County Jail in lieu of $3,000 bail.

Deputies were called to the Publix at The Crossroads at Royal Palm Beach shopping center, at Royal Palm Beach and Okeechobee boulevards, and witnessed Walters yelling at the store manager about an inch apart from the man’s face, the report said.

A deputy wrote in the report that he pushed Walter away because it appeared he was about to hit the store manager. Walter reacted by positioning his body as if he were going to fight the deputy, the report said.

Told to stay back, Walter allegedly continued to advance toward the deputy. After being taken to the ground, Walter attempted to punch the deputy. A dart fired from a stun gun was used to immobilize and handcuff Walter, the report said.

Records show that Walter was tased by a West Palm Beach police officer on June 2 and charged with misdemeanor battery. Walter allegedly pushed to the ground two employees of a West Palm Beach business and threatened an officer while stating he was carrying a gun. He was not.

Walter was placed in a pretrial diversion program on Aug. 18 and ordered to perform community service and enroll in an anger-management class.

After his latest arrest, Walter was ordered not to have any contact with Publix supermarkets.

Source: palmbeachpost.com

Florida Man bullies Publix employees and gets tazed by cops

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