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Deltona couple shoot themselves to fake a home invasion

Doug Teixeria, left, and Lindsey Pelton shot themselves in an attempt to fake a home invasion, authorities said
Doug Teixeria, left, and Lindsey Pelton shot themselves in an attempt to fake a home invasion, authorities said

(WTFF) – A husband and wife in Deltona told detectives they were shot during a home invasion, while in reality they had both shot themselves in hopes of collecting insurance money.

The Florida Man and Florida Woman duo originally told Volusia County sheriff’s deputies that two men broke into their home on Hayward Avenue through a back sliding glass door shortly after 2:30 p.m. Oct. 26.

According to their story, the husband was shot in the leg and the wife was shot in the arm, at least what they told the Sheriff’s Office.

While other deputies were searching for the non-existent robbers, the deputies on scene at their home noticed something strange.

“The home smelled of bleach and they found dried blood in the home and garage” reports news-journalonline.com.

“If this incident just occurred and they called police right away, why would you have dried blood and why do we have bleach all over the house,” Sheriff Mike Chitwood said.

Investigators determined that nobody broke into the home, and that the two had in fact shot each other help support their fabricated story.

“They shot themselves for the purpose of committing insurance fraud. They were going to sue the homeowner to collect money.”

Lindsey Pelton, 36, has an elaborate criminal history that involves fraud, scheming and scamming. Her 35-year-old husband, Doug Teixeira, survives like most Florida Mans… through the charity of others.

One of the inconsistencies in their story stood out when Florida Man told the cops that he pays rent there. This was not the truth.

In reality, his daddy Carson Tyler pays for their rent and everything else.

The Florida couple claimed that $7,000 was taken from a safe by the robbers, but the Florida Man’s father exposed their lie.

Carson said during the investigation that Doug and Lindsey don’t even have “two pennies to rub together,” and that his son’s wife had probably “never seen $7,000 in her life.”

They were locked up Tuesday for reporting a false crime.

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Deltona couple shoot themselves to fake a home invasion

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