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Volusia County Man opens fire after mistaking blown transformers for gunshots

NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – A Volusia County man is facing charges after firing a gun outside his home because he mistakenly thought someone was shooting at him, according to authorities.

The shooting was reported Thursday on Phyllis Avenue in New Smyrna Beach.

Police say transformers blew outside Christopher Graham’s home, startling him out of bed.

Graham went outside and did what any dumb redneck in the Gunshine State would do:

He stood his ground and fired a shot back.


Graham was arrested on a charge of discharging a firearm in public.

Source: clickorlando.com

To be fair, there are 1,772,523 Concealed Weapon Permit Holders in Florida who, for the most part, are very responsible. You never hear about them, which is how it should be. Rednecks love their guns, and through that love they learn to respect the power these guns have. We as Americans must always preserve our right to bear arms, for obvious reasons.

Not to be confused with rednecks, we also have many “dumb rednecks” like this idiot. They give a bad name to gun owners, and make Florida notoriously dangerous. Unfortunately, there’s no screening process that can fairly discover preemptively who should be able to use a gun.

Gun lovers and people who despise guns should be able to agree on one thing:

We want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

How can this be done fairly? Well, that’s not an easy answer… so for now, things will just stay as they are. Florida will still be known as the Gunshine State. Violent, stupid people will still be allowed to own guns. Stay safe out there.

Volusia County Man opens fire after mistaking blown transformers for gunshots

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