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Captain who admitted drinking Long Island Ice Teas before grounding yacht gets deal


PALM BEACH, Fla. – Thomas Baker, the captain of an overturned 72-foot yacht who admitted to drinking Long Island Ice Teas last year, reached a plea deal in his case.

Baker pled guilty Friday to recklessly operating a vessel and will no longer be prosecuted for boating under the influence.

Baker, 63, of Belle Isle, Fla., a suburb of Orlando, told police he “failed to navigate his vessel into the Palm Beach Inlet and ran the vessel into the beach.”


Palm Beach Police accused Baker of driving the yacht, “Time Out,” onto the shoreline after claiming he had too many Long Island Iced Teas on September 7, 2016.

As part of the plea deal, Baker must complete DUI school and 75 hours of community service. He will be on probation for one year.

His case for leaving a derelict vessel on state waters remains open. In October, Baker sued the Town of Palm Beach for $450,000 to recover his losses.

Source: wptv.com

Captain who admitted drinking Long Island Ice Teas before grounding yacht gets deal

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