Here in Sebastian we have a 48-year-old woman who, according to an affidavit, attacked her husband with a toilet lid. Angela Austin-Knight was arrested for domestic violence after police showed up in the 900 block of Truman Street in Sebastian, Florida.
The frightened husband told the 911 dispatcher that he “locked himself in the bathroom and his wife was attempting to gain access using a porcelain toilet lid.”
When the cops arrived they found her standing in the kitchen holding a bottle of liquor.
Apparently they had been arguing, and as the intensity grew, this wild banshee woman started to “chaotically swing” at him, hitting him in the face and chest. He did what any man would do and ran away to hide in the bathroom.

“After realizing the door was locked, Angela then grabbed a nearby porcelain toilet lid, and used it to break the kitchen window, where she made entry into the residence,” states the affidavit.
Once she gained access, she “threatened to hurt him further with the porcelain toilet lid.”
Austin-Knight, our femme fatale Floridian, gave the police several different statements about the wild night. She was extremely intoxicated, as most Florida people are at all times. She was arrested that night of Oct. 17, 2015 and taken to jail.
WOW! well this story sure got me laughing!! for a minute…. see this woman and her “just as pitiful” daughter, along with an additional person, put me thru a HOME INVASION AT 3AM last week!! I of course was in shock! They stormed my home SCREAMING something about a RAPE!!! and something about needing HELP!! I live across from them in Woodlawn Manor (where management has lost full control of this street in the park. These 2 have a full-time prostitution business running across from me.. and all night long my dog and their dog barks at their JOHNS and DRUGGIES coming and going… 24/7. It’s disgusting! During COVID where some people are being arrested for layout at the damn beach…. or threatened to be charged for sitting on a towel with my dog! These pigs business has MORE THAN DOUBLED!! N BECAUSE IVE COMPLAINED THAT THE DAUGHTER IS OUT IN OUR STREET HALF NAKED AND THREATENING MY LIFE… THEY PULLED A HOME INVASION ON ME!!! (IDK WHO THEY KNOW… BUT THEY NEVER GOT CHARGED!!) SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE!! How are these girls going to get away with A HOME INVASION! WHERE 2 OF US WERE ASSULTED WITH SCRATCH MARKS AND A PHONE (WITH several videos of her threatening me & my bank info!!) WITH A SET OF KEYS WAS TAKEN!?? BUT NO CHARGES!!