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Florida Man Calls 911 For Ride To Hooters, Gets Ride To Jail Instead

Jonathan Clayton Hinkle

MERRITT ISLAND, Florida – A Florida man allegedly made a false 911 call to get a ride from Brevard County Sheriff’s deputies to a Hooters restaurant in Merritt Island, Florida.

According to sheriff’s deputies, 28-year-old Jonathan Clayton Hinkle of Merritt Island, Florida called 911 and told dispatchers that his elderly grandmother was having a stroke in the parking lot of Hooters and that he needed to get to her to assist her.

Hinkle allegedly told the 911 operator that he was running as fast as he could from south Merritt Island in order to get to his grandmother and help her. He then allegedly asked the dispatcher if he could obtain a ride from deputies in exchange for money so that he could assist his grandmother.

However, the responding deputies were unable to locate Hinkle’s grandmother after an extensive search for about an hour around the restaurant.

Three hours after the initial 911 call, deputies were able to locate Hinkle’s grandmother. The grandmother stated in a sworn interview with deputies that she never called Hinkle to say that she was in distress or needed medical attention.

Deputies then arrested Hinkle and gave him a ride to the Brevard County Jail in Sharpes, Florida where he was charged with misuse of the 911 system, his fourth offense.

The Sheriff’s office is now seeking restitution from the Florida man in the amount of $222.00 for the manpower expended for his 911 call.

Source: news.brevardtimes.com

Florida Man Calls 911 For Ride To Hooters, Gets Ride To Jail Instead

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