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Cryo Squad Hacks St. Lucie County School District’s Twitter Page


The first post said: “After heavy consideration, our district has decided to ban all African Americans from our school.”

The second was a graphic picture depicting two dead men.

Third was a reply to another posting stating: “removal of African Americans will boost grades 200%.”

The hackers said they did this for fun: “We’re bored as hell. We have a bunch of free time. Why the hell not?”

The county regained control of their account after about ten hours.

The hackers said they randomly chose St. Lucie County Schools “because it was extremely vulnerable and they have little to no security.”

Maybe you Floridians should stop using “password” as your password for everything?

Check out a list of the Top 500 Worst Passwords…

Cryo Squad Hacks St. Lucie County School District’s Twitter Page

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