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Prisoner Jumps out of Bus Trying to Escape and Dies

A prisoner transport bus was traveling down the Turnpike in Lake Worth Monday afternoon.

The passengers had evacuated because of Irma, and were returning to the South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center in Florida City.

Camilo Quintero was on this bus.

Camilo Quintero

Daydreaming and looking out the window, he got a brave impulse to escape. He excused himself to the bathroom and devised a plan that only Florida Man would find reasonable.

Just after the Lake Worth exit, Camilo took a leap of faith and jumped out of the bathroom’s emergency exit window.

Now, to many people, jumping out of a moving vehicle at 70 MPH would seem like a bad idea… but Camilo was different. Not only is he from Florida City, but he was basically a psycho killer.

In 2015 he snapped on his roommate at Kenlands Walk Condo, stabbing him several times. He then put a bottle of cologne in a sock and beat him in the head with it until he died. Fun.

Now, a couple years later, here’s Camilo bloodied up on the side of the Turnpike in critical condition. Life often works like that.

His mangled body was taken to Delray Medical Center.

Around 7:45 am the next morning, he died. He was 23 years old.

Depending on how you look at it, his “escape” was successful.

We all know he’s in a better place now, because he was last seen in Florida.

The other passengers were not lucky enough to escape the existential grip this state has on them, and are still alive.

Sources: palmbeachpost.com, miamiherald.com


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Prisoner Jumps out of Bus Trying to Escape and Dies

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