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High School Teacher Arrested Downtown with Meth, Weed, Hash, and a Yuengling

Justin Martineau

Orlando (WTFF) – A man was arrested for walking around downtown with an open beer, a blunt, a vape pen with hash, and some meth, allegedly.

A couple of OPD bike cops spotted Jacksonville-born Justin Martineau walking around Rosalind Ave. and E. Church St. holding an open Yuengling beer.

They approached the 31-year-old  and “could smell a strong odor of cannabis,” according to the ICJIS arrest affidavit.

This all happened downtown on a Friday night (Feb. 2 at about 11pm) so this isn’t very surprising.

A search was performed. They found a blunt containing cannabis in a metal cigarette holder in his front left pocket. Then they found a vape pen containing some hash oil. Then inside his wallet they found a little baggie full of a “white powdery substance” suspected to be Methamphetamines.

Presumptive tests came back positive for cannabis and meth.

A cops read him his rights and according to the police report, Justin agreed that he had hash oil, a blunt, and that he was in fact walking around with an open container of alcohol. Then he told the cops to “speak to his lawyer” and they stopped asking questions.

It was revealed by several news sites that he’s a social studies teacher at Timber Creek High School. This is extra juicy news and they all rolled with it.

The school wrote this canned response to prepare for the backlash:

“Please know we take all allegations very seriously and there is a law enforcement investigation underway. During the investigation, the employee will be relieved of duty and will not be on campus. The safety of our students is a top priority. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the school with any concerns or questions.”

Martineau was charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession of cannabis, and possession of tetrahydrocannabinols. There’s also a Municipal Ordinance for the open container. He already bonded out of the Orange County jail.

He submitted a written plea of Not Guilty in the Ninth Judicial Circuit today (Feb. 12, 2018).

The results of the FDLE drug lab have not yet been published, so we can’t really say for sure if he really had hash or meth, because a confirmatory test must validate the field test. But we’re the media, and this Florida, so we’re gonna publish it anyway.

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High School Teacher Arrested Downtown with Meth, Weed, Hash, and a Yuengling

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4 years ago

this rapist deserves to be in jail