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Florida Pair Build Drive-Thru Window to Sell Drugs out of their Mobile Home

Ocala (WTFF) – A Florida couple has been arrested after police raided their trailer.

William Parrish Jr. and McKenzee Dobbs were allegedly selling drugs out of a mobile home on Northwest 23rd Place near Northwest 35th Avenue Road and Northwest 21st Street. They were arrested on August 23.

This is nothing revolutionary in Ocala, but these entrepreneurs took it to another level.

They had open or closed signs outside of the trap house, and signs indicating where to drive, according to WFTV.

The Florida pair even turned a kitchen window into a drive-thru where locals could quickly pick up their fix.

Drug drive-thru window in Ocala trailer

“We were seeing some overdose incidents that were happening in this particular area, specifically at this particular location,” said police Capt. Steven Cupp. “There (were) some heroin sales that were going on there. Subsequently, through the investigation, we were able to determine that product was laced with fentanyl.”

The father of the arrested Florida man said that his son was in a methadone clinic: “He’s been trying to get himself straightened out.”

William Parrish Sr. said he had no idea what was going on in the trailer, and that the overdoses are “a lie.”

EDITORIAL NOTE: To be fair though, Mainstream Media conflated the four fentanyl overdoses with these two two arrestees. Nothing in the language clearly specified that their products were laced (the products came from the “general area”). Neither the article nor the police captain clearly stated that any tests were performed on the actual product inside this trailer. Only drugs from the “general area” were tested, reportedly. The headline “Overdoses lead police to alleged drug house that had drive-thru window” implies that it’s their fault. Until the test results come back from the actual drugs inside their trailer, it’s irresponsible and deceitful to report in such accusatory ways. Besides, pharmaceutical companies are the ones responsible for over-saturating the market with poison, well above the demand. They profit while poor people get arrested and victims die. We should paraphrase Tupac when establishing our defenses against propaganda, and practice often: “Recollect your thoughts. Don’t get caught up in the mix. The media is full of dirty tricks.”

Modern day Ocala, scene of the trap house trailer with drive-thru window. The pinnacle of human civilization in Central Florida.

The Central Florida entrepreneurs are facing charges including drug possession, selling drugs and keeping or maintaining a dwelling used to keep or sell drugs.


Y’all need Jesus… good thing we got a drive-thru for that too…

Daytona Beach’s Drive-in Church…

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6 years ago

Opiate drug addiction is one of those issues where people focus too much on the actions and responsibility of the individual but then ignore the actions and lobbying of pharmaceutical companies who cared more about earning profits rather than concerning themselves with the safety of patients or warning about and studying the side-effects from using their drugs. Or, like with cigarettes, people ignore how cigarette companies purposefully manipulated the nicotine to make it more addictive and used marketing tactics to target youth or by posting advertising near schools so they were constantly able to replenish their customer base. These issues are far more complex and the actions by Big Pharma had a much larger and detrimental impact than any actions taken at the individual level. And yet little is done to hold these companies accountable for the damage they’ve done.

Grandma Learned her Lesson
Grandma Learned her Lesson
6 years ago

I have overdosed three times. I blame myself. If I didn’t learn my lesson then. I’m selfish. I have hurt my kids and grandkids. My granddaughter told me the other day if I overdose again I better pray I die. Because she will make sure I have no more contact with all my kids and grandkids. Wake up call for me. I adore my grandkids and had no idea they felt that way. Strong Love ❤️I’m done ✅

3 years ago


Monkey Nutz
Monkey Nutz
5 years ago

I like French fries.


[…] There are many drive-thru incidents in Florida. Like the time that a drunk Tampa man mistook a bank drive-thru for Taco Bell, or when a couple in Ocala started selling drugs out of a drive-thru window in their mobile home. […]

6 years ago

If only it were as easy for chronic pain patients that actually need pain medications for physical function to get the medications that we should have access to, as it is for junkies. Meanwhile, addicts across America are still able to procure fentanyl, while chronic pain patients that were formerly on stable treatments with their medications are being cut off left and right. Left to contemplate suicide or shopping the streets in order to control pain from life stealing, incurable diseases and afflictions. And on top of it, being blamed as the problem. All for being struck with conditions that we can’t help having. I like how the general consensus is that we shouldn’t need anything more than ibuprofen and Tylenol. What a sick, sad joke. If it were that simple, most of us would have never been put on the medications in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for combatting addiction. My heart goes out to families that have been left broken by drug abuse and addiction. The problem I have is that the same can be said for the other side, the chronic pain patients that have given up on ever being able to move again and killed themselves, had to quit their jobs due to forced tapering or being cut off abruptly, those that are so desperate to get relief that they move to heroin even though they wouldn’t normally even dream of doing such a thing. Our families are being broken as well. We are facing mounting casualties because of restrictions and legislations that do NOTHING to battle addiciton, since from what I understand, carfentanyl is easy to make in clandestine labs or to smuggle into the country. The media makes it sound like all chronic pain patients are peddling their meds on the streets. Yeah. Right. Tell that to the chronic pain patients that now are forced to live in hell every day, when they were doing just fine on whatever they were on and… Read more »

6 years ago

She’s cute

6 years ago

You want fries with that?


[…] Florida Pair Build Drive-Thru Window to Sell Drugs out of their Mobile Home […]

6 years ago

Florida , sound like a fun place to be…

6 years ago

that ain’t a drive thru idiots its a trap house they just serving people out there window of this was anywhere other than a hick ass area this wouldnt be news…

6 years ago

White folks


[…] Florida Pair Build Drive-Thru Window to Sell Drugs out of their Mobile Home […]

6 years ago

They need to stop disgracing Tupac’s name!

6 years ago

My daughter died of an accidental overdose in that exact area this year. She left behind two small children and a lot of broken hearts. I don’t give a rat’s a$$ about the rights of scrum like this….Feed ‘um to the gators!

6 years ago

Was that the father quoting tupac or the person writing the article? They are not wrong about how the media twists things to fit their agenda.

6 years ago

Hey trump is doing the same thing

6 years ago

“And then”, “ No and then”

6 years ago

I thought we were supposed to encourage entrepreneurial initiatives.

6 years ago

They were one week away from installing a menu display with microphone and speakers also open 24 hours

6 years ago

I’ll have a McDouble quarter pound bag hold the PCP with McMeth shake and bake.

6 years ago

A match made in Florida

6 years ago

It’s always hiding in plain site! Just like the entrepreneurs before them like Steve Job’s and Bill Gates, the amount of money pouring in seems to make these types of super driven tech people start to assume all is well…until it’s not. It was an FDA (Florida Drug Addict) approved business and odds are it was the Department of Revenue who took them down…