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“Life Insurance Representative” Posts Typo-Ridden Pyramid Marketing Scheme Ad Targeting Ocala Women

Ocala (WTFF) – A grammatically atrocious ad for a pyramid marketing scheme appeared on the Ocala/Marion County Chamber & Economic Partnership website.

We’ve saved a copy on archive.org to preserve the hilarious insanity for future generations. Here’s a screenshot as well.

Screenshot of the ad (go.ocalacc.com)

Let’s start with the name of the event:

Woman and Money “You’re Financial Future”

“Woman” should be “women,” as the former is singular. Since the content of the event pertains to more than one “woman,” the noun should have been written in the plural form.

Then there’s the abysmally incorrect use of the contraction in the word “you’re.” The way it’s written, it means “you are.” What the author meant to write was the possessive pronoun “your.”

Finally, there’s the fact that this “Woman and Money” event is being hosted by a man, Eric Perlman.

Eric Perlman

Even more alarming to Floridians, it appears that he’s from New Jersey, according to his website. At least that’s where his main office is listed. He’s also apparently the Senior Regional Leader for The Villages, FL, the world’s largest retirement community.

The company he works for, Primerica, appears to be a pyramid marketing scheme at best, and an outright scam at worst.

An actual licensed financial advisor working for a large investment broker once “wrecked” a Primerica rep in front of someone they were trying to scam. The Primerica rep was trying to move the victim “from a low cost portfolio into one with a huge upfront commission and high annual expenses.”

To become a Primerica rep, you don’t actually need a license. “There are no interviews,” describes someone who witnessed their friend joining the company. To obtain your “license,” all they require is a $99 background check and $5 class.

Obviously that’s not a real “license.”

“Becoming a Certified Financial Planner requires at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, as well as college coursework from a program that is registered with the CFP Board.” (thestreet.com)

If you’re one of the shit-head con artists who “works” for Primerica and you just happened to stumble upon this article, well, fuck you. You’re welcome to file a complaint. We’ve gotten our fair share of death threats and “we’re gonna sue you” emails, so you’re welcome to add to the pile.

To anyone else reading this, please be cautious of scams, especially in the financial sector. While Primerica is a “legal” business, they still operate primarily on the concept of deceit. Just Google “Primerica scam” if you want to go further down the rabbit hole.

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“Life Insurance Representative” Posts Typo-Ridden Pyramid Marketing Scheme Ad Targeting Ocala Women

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I. M. A. Wiener
I. M. A. Wiener
2 months ago

As a part-time grammar cop (The apostrophe thing, and the your/you’re drives me crazy, but I don’t mind lay/lie), this makes me feel like my head just might explode.

5 years ago

I think the time has come to think about the future and say no to the almighty dollar and save our resources for future generations.
It is always the claim by those people who want to profit that “this is a renewable resource “, We all know that this is hogwash!
Say No To Big/And Small Business, think of the future of our children!