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Florida Man Masturbates to Porn in Library

Troy Joseph McCorvey

Clermont (WTFF) – A Florida man was arrested after reportedly masturbating in a public library while watching pornography on one of the computers.

On Thursday, an officer from the Clermont Police Department responded to a “battery in progress” at the Cooper Memorial Library, according to the arrest affidavit.

26-year-old Troy Joseph McCorvey was “getting physical” with the security officer who was attempting to remove him.

McCorvey was allegedly “masturbating in the library” while watching “pornographic images” on one of the library’s public computers.

The security officer observed that McCorvey’s pants were a quarter of the way down from his waist, and his penis and testicles were exposed.

He noted that the patron was “actively masturbating.”

The security officer ordered him to leave.

McCorvey started to make his way towards the elevators, but the security officer told him to follow him down the stairs instead.

The command was ignored. McCorvey rushed for the elevator and leaped inside.

The security officer stuck his arm between the doors to prevent them from closing.

That’s when the previously-masturbating Florida man “grabbed onto [his] arm and attempted to pull [him] into the elevator.”

McCorvey was able to close the elevator doors and make it to the first floor, where the security officer was waiting.

He was escorted out of the library and then ran towards the wooded area, at which point the police arrived.

McCorvey has been charged with indecent exposure, battery and two counts of resisting without violence.

His bond remains at $85,000 while he stays in the Lake County Jail.

He has a long history of arrests in Lake County since 2015, with prior charges including but not limited to larceny, obstructing justice, trespassing, domestic battery, witness tampering, resisting arrest and battery.

McCorvey was born in Kansas City, Missouri.

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Oliver Klozoff
Oliver Klozoff
4 months ago

I really hope he didn’t ejaculate on the computer.

2 years ago

Just bring wet wipes with you to clean the keyboard before you use library computers. Come on people its florida. Not like he is a politician paying to have sex with a minor. Oh wait that is Florida to.

3 years ago

Masturbating to porn on a library computer happens all the time and nobody cares about it. Whenever you find a computer connected to the internet there will always be some ugly fat woman furiously rubbing her clit to pornographic images.

4 years ago

Florida Man lives!

Compass David
Compass David
4 years ago

It’s crazy!