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Florida Man Kicks a ‘F*cking Faggot’ at Gay Bar

Key West (WTFF) – A Republican from Pompano Beach was arrested after reportedly punching a bouncer and kicking a patron while shouting gay slurs at a gay bar on Duval Street.

26-year-old Shane McCrea was having a drink at Bourbon Street Pub, a gay bar in Key West, reports Florida Keys News. He’s a construction worker, according to the arrest details.

He’s also a registered Republican, which should come as no surprise. Per Encyclopedia Dramatica: “Nearly all Republicans are homosexuals who bitch about other people being homosexuals. They also like the name GOP or Gay Old Pedophile. The words ‘irony’ and ‘humor’ cannot be found in their vocabulary.” Editorial note: Please don’t get triggered by the colorful language. To the defense of those offended, in 2017, Republican opinions on gay marriage were split almost equally.

According to the affidavit, he started calling patrons “faggots” and said they are “burning in hell.”

It’s not clear why someone who seems to hate gay people was in the gay bar to begin with. Sometimes people who struggle with their own gayness get triggered and go into gay-hating rampages. Maybe he just needed a hug and some validation that it’s OK to be gay.

He was escorted out by the bouncer.

A minute later he returned and punched the bouncer in the stomach.

He also kicked a patron and called him a “fucking faggot.”

Then the cops showed up and tazed and handcuffed him after he refused to comply with orders. Then he got pepper sprayed. Then he got put into leg restraints after banging his head against the patrol car hood and trying to kick officers.

“I will kill all you cops!” shouted McCrea, after arriving at the county jail on Stock Island.

He’s facing four counts of felony battery resisting arrest on law enforcement officers, five felony counts of threats against a public servant or their family, one felony count enhancement for a hate crime and one felony count of resisting an officer with violence.

There’s also four misdemeanor charges in there: brawling in public, battery, criminal property damage and disorderly conduct.

His bond was set to $46,000.

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4 months ago

I hate how people use religion as an excuse to be homophobic, transphobic dipshits.

3 years ago


5 years ago

Damn. Feel like he maybe just had a nervous breakdown. He was in the gay bar drinking and minding his own business right? So why would he snap like that? Something’s strange about this…

5 years ago

He comes from a very small town. Prior to this only he and his best friend experimented with homosexuality while growing up. He thought that he would feel comfortable in a gay bar even though he had never done that before. But he did not expect gay overload. That happens when a closeted homosexual throws them self into a huge room full of like-minded individuals. The psychological term that describes this is cockamongust gigantism.

6 years ago

Damn. Feel like he maybe just had a nervous breakdown. He was in the gay bar drinking and minding his own business right? So why would he snap like that? Something’s strange about this…

6 years ago

whoever wrote this shit is a fucking faggot that needs to get taken out to the swamps and fucked in the ass by some good ol boys then shot in the fucking face. fuck you. libtards are the ones who are dividing this country. being a faggot should be illegal anyway. lots of republicans are turning their backs on the true calling of the GOP and saying its ok for the gays to get married. FUCK THAT! that shit is ruining our country.