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Florida Woman Caught Stealing Stuff from a Graveyard

Jenni Hudkins
Jenni Hudkins, Florida Woman

Bradford County (WTFF) – A woman dubbed as the “Gravesite Grinch” was arrested on Christmas Day for allegedly stealing items from a graveyard.

Jenni Hudkins is facing charges of dealing in stolen property and removing a monument from a gravesite.

She allegedly went to a gravesite in Bradford County and stole some items left behind for the dead people.

She later sold the items to another Florida Woman, Janice Crawford, according to First Coast News.

Janice Crawford
Janice Crawford, Florida Woman

Janice bought most, if not all, of the stolen items from her a few days before, and when she found found out they were stolen she tried to hide them. It was too late though, because somebody snitched on her already after spotting the stolen goods at her residence.

Florida Woman Caught Stealing Stuff from a Graveyard

Category: Crime
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