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Selling stolen motorcycles on Facebook is a bad idea

This 19 year old Fruitland Park resident, Casey Robert Dean, is in jail after stealing two motorcycles and selling them on Facebook.

Casey Robert Dean sold stolen dirt bikes on Facebook
Casey Robert Dean sold stolen dirt bikes on Facebook

Allegedly, he stole two dirt bikes from someone’s garage. In a stroke of brilliance he decided to sell them via Facebook post. In the first transaction he got an Xbox 360 and fifty bucks… then he scored a sweet pressure washer in a Sam’s parking lot in Lady Lake. Both of these transactions were initiated and discussed on Facebook. Our young entrepreneur is now is now facing $12,000 bond.

Police interviewed the kid and he told them “it was just a crazy idea” and that he was “learning from it.”

So I hope we all learned that it’s a bad idea to steal motorcycles and then sell them on Facebook. Thanks Florida Man, we all learned something today.


Source: https://www.villages-news.com/

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Selling stolen motorcycles on Facebook is a bad idea

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