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Kissimmee officials have voted to ban medical marijuana dispensaries

marijuana plant

Kissimmee has approved a ban on medical marijuana dispensaries. City leaders voted on the ban because they claim a new state law doesn’t give them enough room to regulate the industry.

Florida Governor Rick Scott signed legislation in June that implemented the medical marijuana amendment voters approved last year. Amendment 2 was approved by 71 percent of the overall voters last November. The amendment took effect on January 3rd and required that laws had to be in place by July 3rd for how patients can qualify and receive treatment.

Kissimmee commissioners voted 4 to 1 to ban the dispensaries from opening in town. They don’t believe there is room to regulate effectively the way the law is currently written.

Although Kissimmee residents can’t obtain new medical marijuana cards or treatment within city limits, they can have it delivered to their doorstep through the internet, or travel to nearby Orlando.

Though the city is not opposed to the idea of dispensaries, they want to be able to regulate where and in what quantity they are allowed.

Source: Amanda Spence – orlando-politics.com

Kissimmee officials have voted to ban medical marijuana dispensaries

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