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Florida man shot cat ‘because it looked at him like he owned the place’

ORMOND BEACH, Fla. – An Ormond Beach man could face animal cruelty charges after deputies said he shot a cat that defecated on his yard last week.

adult cat
Heidi Hatheaway, along with other residents at the Pinewood Trailer Park, are now mourning the loss of a feline that belonged to 60-year-old Hung Nguyen. The cat owner said he now has eight cats left after his furry friend went to the bathroom on the wrong man’s property.

“It was pathetic,” Hatheaway said.

Deputies said the man shot the cat with a BB gun, which paralyzed the animal.
“It was the most saddest thing to see a little animal, literally tears running down its face,” Hatheaway said.

Hatheaway said her son pulled the cat from underneath her trailer. Deputies said the cat was later euthanized.

According to the report, the 69-year-old man told deputies he shot the cat because, it “looked at him like he owned the place” before relieving itself on his property.

“It was just a poor judgment call,” the man, who declined to share his name, said of his decision to shoot. He said he didn’t know it was someone’s pet but admitted to shooting at cats before, never hitting one.

“It was not my intention to hurt that cat. All I wanted to do was get it out in front of my walkway, stop pooping. For the flies and the smell is just horrendous,” he said

The man said he has several health issues and is on disability. He hopes to be only punished with a fine instead of a felony,  fearing he might lose his income if charged.

“I’ll be homeless. Might be a death sentence for accidentally shooting some cat,” he said.

“If he’s not accurate of how he shoots, what’s to stop him from shooting anybody?” Hatheaway said.

The state attorney’s office said it is still reviewing the case to determine whether there’s enough evidence to charge the man with felony animal cruelty.

Source: clickorlando.com

Florida man shot cat ‘because it looked at him like he owned the place’

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