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Florida Man Breaks Into Clubhouse, Steals Property, and Defecates in Shower

Ryan Hogan

A Gainesville man was charged with burglary and larceny after sheriff’s deputies say he broke into a clubhouse, stole property and defecated in a shower.

Benjamin Ryan Hogan, 18, burglarized a Meadowbrook clubhouse, on Northwest 105th Boulevard, on July 4, according to an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

He stole two fans, a universal remote, a Blu-ray player, a desktop computer, two box speakers, an AV receiver and a 70-inch flat-screen TV, together worth $3,500, the report states. Hogan also defecated in the clubhouse’s public shower.

When law enforcement officers asked him about the burglary, he said he stole the above items. He was then charged with burglary, larceny and property damage.

Hogan had already been arrested on July 5 on an unrelated charge of shoplifting. The new charges were added Tuesday.

He remained in the Alachua County jail on Wednesday.

Source: gainesville.com

Florida Man Breaks Into Clubhouse, Steals Property, and Defecates in Shower

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