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Ocala Teacher Drowns Animals During Class “Just For Sport,” Makes Students Watch and Help

Ocala (WTFF) – A teacher at Forest High School reportedly drowned two raccoons and an opossum in a large bin while students were forced to watch and assist.

The agriculture teacher, Dewie Brewton, threatened students who took video of the tortuous act with a referral. One student who took a video showed his mother. She went to Click Orlando and told the story of what happened that Monday.

We started a petition to demand that the school fires him, and that criminal charges are pressed against him for his acts of animal cruelty.

Her freshman son came home in tears because of the killings. She stated in the interview that “one of the raccoons ate a chicken,” implying that was the teacher’s reason for drowning it.

It was later reported that the two raccoons and opossum were killed “just for sport.”

“It made me sick. It made me sick to my stomach. It’s terrible. It still does make me sick to my stomach,” said the mother.

Pictures and video recorded by the students reveal a raccoon trapped in a metal cage and placed into a garbage bin that was slowly filled with water.

“When the raccoons tried to come up for air they had metal rods and they held them down with metal rods and when the raccoon would try to pop its head up they held water hoses in its face to drown it,” the mother said.

The raccoon’s snout can be seen sticking just above the water at one point, reaching for air. A censored version of the video was released by Click Orlando:

“Why is he not fighting?” asks one of the curious students in the video.

An FWC spokesperson said:

“While law enforcement tells us the teacher did not do anything illegal, his actions before students are certainly questionable. Until our investigation is complete, I cannot share further details. The district is determining the status of the teacher at this moment.”

The agency continues to investigate. It’s up to the state attorney’s office to decide if there will be criminal charges.

The teacher is on paid administrative leave as of Tuesday afternoon.

Dewie Brewton

A post made by Forest High School FFA Alumni blames “the media” for escalating the situation.

“He is a man of faith and has always provided the wisdom and guidance needed for his students to succeed,” reads the post, defending Dewie Brewton.

Many comments were made in defense of the Ag teacher, in typical Ocala fashion:

They’re deleting any comments that disagree with their side of the story.

Animal abuse is unacceptable on all levels, but especially at a school.

If you’re upset by this cruel act and want disciplinary action taken, please contact the school:

Forest High School
Phone: (352) 671-4700
Mr. Dewie Brewton is the teacher in the video.
Address: 5000 SE Maricamp Rd, Ocala, FL 34480
Principal: Brent Carson – Brent.Carson@marion.k12.fl.us

UPDATE: Dewie Brewton has since retired, according to WESH. He submitted a signed letter indicating his retirement effective immediately on Thursday, May 17, 2018. He has been the agriculture educator there since 2006.

UPDATE: State Attorney Brad King announced that no charges will be pressed.

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Ocala Teacher Drowns Animals During Class “Just For Sport,” Makes Students Watch and Help

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6 years ago

I grew up in FFA and Agricultural classes in High School. NEVER EVER ONCE did we do something like this or talk about it that I can remember. Most farmers shoot the animal which is a quick and painless death, this drowning of the animals is nothing but sadistic torture. Never in my wildest dreams would my ag teacher show or perform this kind of abuse and I grew up in the midwest where we have thousands of coons and possums. This teacher should have been fired and charges brought against him for at least 3 felony counts of animal abuse, let alone the trauma caused to those poor kids. Just down right sickening. And those defending him, if you are a city slicker try working or living on a real farm for a week. As to the school district, you need your federal funding removed for ignoring the law. As to the FFA Alumni you all are spineless cowards.

6 years ago

This act may be acceptable in farming circles, but the world is moving ahead and becoming more humane because many people know that this kind of behavior is neither necessary nor acceptable. In fact I would call it mean, ignorant and barbaric. We do not treat animals like that anymore.

Candice Ordway
Candice Ordway
6 years ago

A farmer would not have done this. This method of drowning a defenseless animal for sport is unacceptable. I think he got off easy by being allowed to retire. I hope they press charges and send the correct message that this is not ok. Raccoons and opossum have feelings…they know about pain. And we are the intelligent species????

5 months ago

Can his punishment include monthly water boarding?

1 year ago

geez, who cares what happens, they are just some dumb rodents that are killing the dudes chickens, im sad that some idiots are trying to get him fired, this is all BS

2 years ago

Disgraceful! What a vile man!

2 years ago

Why didn’t he just pour gasoline on it and let it burn alive in a cage like Muslim’s do to humans. This way they could have listen to it scream. So, is this where we’re at ? Sick fuck.

2 years ago

He needed to be fired and have criminal charges for animal abuse. Also for teaching students to torture animals.
I definitely would never send my children to a school that condones this sickening behaviour.

2 years ago

They say he’s a man of faith? There are many men of faith in prison. Psychologically this guy has problems, he likes to torture animals. I would like to do a psychological work up of this guy, I would bet every dollar in the bank that he has a garbage can full of mental problems. And the students that followed him, they need an evaluation as well because they participated and did nothing!!! NOTHING!!!!!!

Robin Rogers
Robin Rogers
2 years ago

1st I would like to say
I have raised 2 raccoons in my life time and I can not believe authorities did nothing about the teacher killing these poor helpless animals for no reason .It is my understanding that the teacher had nothing and no charges happen at all so here is a question. For the authorities we get u have no feelings on killing innocent animals but charges still should be brought on the teacher for child endangerment x 15 how ever many students were made to be there and using his authority on children which I’m sure goes under child abuse.so if there is 15 kids in the class and I would think child neglected also times 15 so that would be 45 charges and even though it makes no sense that nobody cares about the poor animals but they can’t walk away from the children

2 years ago

He’s a cruel monster

2 years ago

WTF is wrong with this teacher? I’m glad to read he retired. He shouldn’t be teaching kids. What a nut job

Jaime Skizas
Jaime Skizas
2 years ago

No teachers should be teaching our children how to drown animals in school and then threatening their right to record and report this behavior to the local authorities! This is animal and child abuse and the “man” that did this needs to be fired and arrested.

Jeannie Reilly
Jeannie Reilly
2 years ago

I am DISGUSTED! Fire him and put him in jail!!!!

3 years ago

Why dont yall just post his address on here so we can go fuck him up?

3 years ago

If Florida doesn’t prosecute this man for animal and child torture somebody needs to also get rid of the legislature that turned a blind eye to this. Imagine yourself in that cage and a garbage can of water. The fear, panic, pain. North Vietnam used that same torture on American soldiers. So I guess we become what we teach. Just sick to my stomach. People of Florida : DO SOMETHING. That teacher should
Be jailed not walk away laughing with a pension. Every parent from that school should be protesting.

4 years ago

no doubt that one can go to youtube and see all of the cruelty whitey people do to animals

4 years ago

This is a horrible example of humanity. No child should be taught to hurt an animal for any reason.

Patti from Michigan
Patti from Michigan
4 years ago

This absolutely disgust me! To do this to any animal is inhumane and he should be prosecuted to the absolute fullest!!!! Not to mention that he is corrupting these students minds!!! He knew he was doing wrong…hence the reason he threatened discipline for taking a video. Put him in a cage and half drown him and see how he likes it….then lock his behind away with a group of animal lovers and let whatever happens happen.!!!

4 years ago

He is a rotten heartless piece of SHIT

4 years ago

This texted showed students how to torture and kill an animal painfully and slowly. There is nothing ethical about this! No FARMER would do this!!! These children must be scarred from this. No question about it! He should be fired and convicted!’!!

4 years ago

If I was one of these parents I would get a petition signed to prosecute this teacher ( pos )and get this school in trouble for making these children have to watch this and mainly animal torture… I hope this teacher gets his and rots in hell ..

4 years ago

Why would this school allow animal cruelty and make children watch this ?? Look how this teacher effected these children they don’t know what’s right and wrong !! Shame on this school and this teacher ahold be prosecuted !!! Fire this teacher and press charges !!!

Melinda Prang
Melinda Prang
4 years ago

Absolutely appalling. Any person with any decency what do ever would never do such a thing, especially at school or being an employee of that school. So it are a chicken? Well geez, that’s what raccoons do! If these were dogs you could get he would be getting charged with something. Disgusting. Cruel behaviors like this is why the world has become this way. And I’m no means at all a religious person or anything of the sort; but someone who claims to be would NEVER behave this way.

4 years ago

Animal cruelty is now a felony in this country. Using his power and influence to make children witness this is a whole deeper level of sadistic and sociopathic behavior! This community should demand he is prosecuted!

4 years ago

Absolutely shocking!! Deplorable actions and behaviour towards animals and children!!
Poor animals….
disgusting school and way to think about teaching society not only about animals but if this is how this school thinks then what are you producing in schools ..
Thank goodness the kids had their own minds and recorded this stuff!!
Just deplorable!.

4 years ago

Disgusted with this teacher regardless of his ‘faith’. What is his religion anyway? Satanism?

4 years ago

He is a monster…not only for inhumanely killing animals, but role modeling the horrific act to students.

Yes, what he did was criminal.

Jeannene Davis
Jeannene Davis
4 years ago

There is absolutely no reason a law should have to be the reason someone does the right thing. Moral compass in our society is haywire

Paula Sable
Paula Sable
4 years ago

What a joke this teacher is . Evil monster shouldn’t be allowed near kids or animals again. He is there to promote being a good person and set an example. He should be sacked immediately……… and drowned

4 years ago

I was born, raised, worked, & live on a farm. And I absolutely hate possums because they carry & spread an internal parasite that cripples & kills horses. My Daddy was a truck farmer & coons ate his crop. But this “teachers” killing these coon & possums is just pure torture & cruel. Forcing these students to watch & participate is child abuse & he should get fired along with the administration that failed to do something about it. This is unacceptable! If you have to kill a pest, do it quickly & humanely. Even a vermin possum.

4 years ago

Dewie Brewton should not be allowed near any animals at all. He’s sadistic

Melanie Wallace
Melanie Wallace
4 years ago


Suzanne Lane
Suzanne Lane
4 years ago

Paid? Administrative leave? I don’t think so! Jack-@$$! Fire him immediately!

Lori Smith
Lori Smith
5 years ago

Excuse me…forcibly drowning an innocent, caged and terrified animal in front of students… is ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!

And animal cruelty IS ILLEGAL.

I am disgusted beyond belief! Throw the freakin’ book at this teacher!

Wendy Hayslett
Wendy Hayslett
5 years ago

Torturing Animals As You Kill Them?? You Piece of Shit, Motherfucker !!!!!!! My Child would Not have watchef This- My kids Would Have Ran For Help !!!!!!

5 years ago

A year later I wish to do the same to this f***. It would be hard for me not to knock him the f out if I cross paths with him. So glad he’s enjoying his retirement and the school was able to blow it off as the law dogs did… Not! No justice or it’s only for the privileged!?!

5 years ago

Glad he is gone, he probably is into child porn too! Sick bastard!

Mary Diorio
Mary Diorio
5 years ago

Anyone who drowns animals is lacking in traits all human beings, all HEALTHY humans, should have.
I thank God I was able to have my son educated in Europe for most of his formative years. He could and would NEVER hurt a living thing unless in self defense or defense of his children, which I pray, is a situation that never comes up.

5 years ago

Opossums eat ticks. They are our friends. Raccoons don’t deserve this. No animal deserves this. This should be against the law. it is cruel and inhuman and not suited to a person who calls themselves Godly. Having done this, they are not.

5 years ago

Very sick individual, I don’t see what faith has to do with it, Christianity is behind so many wars etc that it’s hardly proof someone is good, especially not when you see his actions.

5 years ago

Join my petition to stop the senseless and cruel swatting of house flies.

Chris Pedone
Chris Pedone
5 years ago

I hope someone tortures this maggot. He will get cancer and die a slow agonizing painful death!! How sporting is that? Looking forward to it!

Toby Lamb
Toby Lamb
5 years ago

Actually it IS ILLEGAL what he did and it appears the school and DA are covering it up because they are probably afraid of lawsuits from national groups that protect minorities. It may not be illegal to kill wild animals (or even domesticated animals such as loose dogs) to protect your livestock, but you need a valid reason to do it, and “sport” is not a valid reason. Even if you have a valid reason, causing the animal pain via an unusual and cruel death IS ILLEGAL. Try that in your front yard with loose dogs or a bag of kittens and see how long before you’re in handcuffs. I don’t care what color you are, you’ll be on your way to jail (although, maybe not in Florida). Florida Law Enforcement … why don’t you do your next state sanctioned prisoner execution at that school using a similar method, you know, just for student education. The death row inmate probably deserves to die that way, but the animals didn’t. Even so, we don’t do that in this country. Many studies show when serial killers were young, they tortured animals. What is this “teacher” trying to teach his students, how to become serial killers. Your wrong Dewie, now just F’in admit it.

Hey Dewie, if you need a job to supplement your retirement income, I hear ISIS is hiring.

Bhavika Sicka
Bhavika Sicka
5 years ago

This school needs to be shut down. Charges need to be pressed against this teacher, as well as the administration, for allowing him to go scot-free for this heinous, horrifying act, and worse, for attempting to justify it. I am both an animal lover, and an educator, and this sickens me on both levels. Firstly, it is an egregious, unethical act to make an animal suffer like this, and to take a life that is not yours to take. This is a blatant act of animal cruelty, and men like Dewie Brewton need to be prosecuted; this may not be illegal (though it should be), but it’s a breach of professional responsibility. Secondly, performing such sadistic acts in front of impressionable, young minds, tells children that’s it’s okay to harm animals; this normalizes violence, cruelty, callousness. What’s worse is that he pressured them into partaking in this violence; many of these children will be scarred and damaged for life! We should be teaching children to respect sentient beings, be kind and compassionate, not to be monsters! This school needs to answer for this!

5 years ago

Absolutely disgusting & that person should be stood down & never allowed to enter another school period!! I honestly hate the human race & I’m ashamedzzzx

5 years ago

I wonder what he does when nobody is watching?

Brian Winiarski
Brian Winiarski
5 years ago

If I had a child that was intentionally cruel to animals, I would bend him over my knee and beat his ass in front of his peers. If I had a kid who was in that class and did not try to stop it from happening, I would feel like I had failed at teaching him some lessons in morality. I would thank the teacher for bringing my failure to my attention, then beat his ass in front of whoever was present.

5 years ago

Agriculture has nothing to do with drowning defenseless animals. The fact that the school is defending him is disturbing. And one of the parents calling him a man of Faith ???? Where in the Bible does it say teach children to murder animals? All animals have a soul, they know fear, love, pain , etc. To make the children particulate in murdering these sweet animals sickens me. He has done psychological damage to them. The man is a psychopath.

DM, Canadian and proud to be.
DM, Canadian and proud to be.
5 years ago

How on Earth can the school support and condone this type of behavior. Animals are Gods creations as well and deserve respect and humaine treatment. I fear for the psycologcal damage this mans action could leave on some of these students. If you teach them to ruthlessly kill with now feeling, they will in the future be desensitized to killing anything , perhaps people. These type of mentalities are reasons why there are so many killing in the US. People are desensitized to violence agains anything. They see it daily in their lives in movies TV shows, games. How are they ever to grow up respecting life. God Have mercy on the US of A.

Tom Haas Montana
Tom Haas Montana
5 years ago

Someone should drown this walking freak show in a fat tank in a bar on Friday night.
What a prick.
A black one no less-

Tom Haas Montana
Tom Haas Montana
5 years ago

Somebody should set up a fat tank in a bar and do the same thing to this walking freak show.
What a prick

6 years ago

How is this not illegal? Animal torture is not illegal? What the hell is wrong with this state? What the hell is wrong with this man and the school and everyone. I don’t care if he is a man of faith and blames the media for blowing this up. The video is real and it is so sad and disturbing. The raccoon is terrified. The laws need to be stronger. A teacher did this. What does he do at home? I just don’t understand how this is legal????? What is legal about drowning animals???