Tampa (WTFF) – The man piloting the boat in the infamous shark dragging case was sentenced to 10 days in jail.
22-year-old Michael Wenzel admitted to two misdemeanor crimes of animal cruelty and using an illegal method to catch a shark.
His 10 days in the Hillsborough County Jail can be served on weekends, per a deal with prosecutors.
He was also sentenced to 11 months probation, and must serve 100 hours of community service.
UPDATE 3/6/19: Court records indicate that Wenzel’s fishing license has been suspended for five years, as part of his plea deal which lowered the “aggravated cruelty to animals” charge to simply “cruelty to animals.” He was also fined $2,500.
“This is a privileged kid,” said Marie Galbraith, a member of Florida Voices for Animals. “This is a slap on the wrist. He hasn’t been educated about what he’s done.” (Tampa Bay Times)

A prosecutor asked that half of the community service hours be served at an animal shelter or animal abuse facility, though it’s unknown whether any of those institutions would allow a convicted animal abuser to work around animals.
Our petition called for 1,000 community service hours to be held under the supervision of The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in addition to a revoked fishing license and real jail time.
Wenzel smiled when Hillsborough Circuit Judge Mark Wolfe asked whether he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
“Is there something funny about this?” Wolfe asked.
“No, sir,” Wenzel replied, wearing a bright blue suit and a crisp white dress shirt.
Robert Benac, an accomplice seen in the video, rejected a similar plea deal Thursday. He is set for trial in June.
Charges against a third accomplice, Spencer Heintz, were dropped.
[…] Michael Wenzel also plead guilty in the case and was sentenced to 10 days in jail. Wenzel’s fishing license was suspended for five years as part of his sentencing. […]
I’d like to see this piece of shit tossed into shark infested waters and watch him be ripped to shreds.
why doesn’t somebody shoot this CUNT?
Does this suprise ANYONE? Really? Of course, he thinks it is funny. People, animals anything living, besides his arrogant self is a toy to be played with and/or tortured. This…thing….has absolutely no feelings or emotions. He is what is called an NPC: No soul, no morals, no shame or sympathy towards anything or anyone. Mark my words you will see this man called out again, spouse or child abuse and/or death(s). And it won’t be a simple question of ‘what if’ but rather a question of ‘when or where’ the trail destruction that this creature will leave in his wake. If anyone thinks this is punishment enough – you are kidding yourself.
He’s a punk ass b**** he needs to be bent over and daddy loved
He’s a punk ass b****
He should never be allowed on the water again
[…] this year, Michael Wenzel pleaded guilty to two counts of third degree felony aggravated animal cruelty and one misdemeanor […]
This sentence is total bullshit!!! These idiots deserve to be dragged by 1 back leg by a boat in the open water at high speed if they survive they should be cut loose and left to be a shark’s dinner……eye for an eye sounds more like the appropriate punishment for these low lifes.
Should have been 10 YEARS or More
Fair & reasonable punishment would be tying him by one leg and dragging him through the water. Same same only more satisfying for the rest of us.
Will he be teached to think and act in an other way??
Not long enough but hopefully someone will give this assface some justice
We haven’t heard the last of this scumbag. He will move on to murdering humans and get away with a few, please God, kill this monster now.
America’s justice system is a joke. I pray they give him more service hours and probation.
He will probably break his probation terms anyway, so let’s hope he is as dumb as we know he is.
POS hope he doesn’t reproduce
Unfathomable Uncomprehendable Unspeakable Unethical Uneducated Unjustifiable Unacceptable Unpardonable And Unnecessary
Scumbag; low life, human trash.
Die motherfucker just go die already!!!
Posted earlyier not sure how many time your aloud to do so but I just can’t get out of my head what this sick fuck did and to walk like nothing shit will never change when states like Florida dont give tough enough sentences 10 days is fucking nothing and sure he will b out in 5 wow sure he will never do nothing like this again after this tough sentence he got that will make him think twice after 5 hole day in jail i pray someone beats the fuck out of him every day he in jail till he gets out then maybe 10 days of was whooping will make him think next time need to go back to eye 4 eye pep will stop doing dumb shit u drag shark we drag u u stab rob someone we stab u pep will continue to do dumb shit because the sentences are nothing
How can someone do what he did and get only 10 day in jail freaking joke people like this start off this way and next thing you no there killing people or animal something really wrong with this picture and to basically get a smack on his hand he will b back at tourchering animal or worse because it’s a joke to him freaking sick person needs help 10 days aint shit cant believe all he got who care if took fishing license you think that will stop him from going on a boat wow Florida should b ashamed to let them walk with nothing should drag them behind boat let them see how it feel fucking clowns
This bully, without a conscience, showed no compassion for another sentient being, who experiences pain, fear, and feelings.
He used a living being as an object. 10 days are not enough, must understand that has caused pain.
Killing and hurting animals is the first step to hurting other men.
Deserves more than 10 days, the punishment for those who mistreat the animals must be much, much more severe. We start with 3 years.
People should be so upset over post-birth abortions and gun control excluding illegals.
You sir are messed up in the head!! To do these things to animals is just wrong!!! 10 days isn’t enough time for what you did!!! Nature is meant to be enjoyed not abused!!
He should get 2 years minimum. This monster morin
This cruel brutal man should b punished so that he doesn’t even want to hurt animals again. Ten days jail is definately not enough but he needs to b shamed for what he did to a defenceless marine fish. He’s obviously a bully and bullies need to b put in their place and what they did needs to b done to him. So towed crazily behind a speeding boat not skiing though, pulled off his feet so he has no balance and made to suffer the same. No mercy shown just like him.
10 days! It should have been 10 months at the very least! Arseholes like him need to be taught a lesson which will show other abusers that abusing any animal is so wrong and they don’t have that right. He should be fined heavily as well and that money should be put towards animal welfare!
If he’s torturing a shark I wonder what else he’s torturing????
Any animal abuser deserves the sams punishment they would get if theyd abused another human. End of.
He is a waste. Just kill this bastard.
His parents must be so proud of him. just don’t understand hurting An animals like that .this SOB needs stiffer punishment he should be made to stand on a street corner holding a sign telling exactly what he did to this poor animal with any kind of luck maybe somebody would hit him and drag him around…..
Bastard should be dragged through the same waters until unconscious by his balls.
Hope this creep and his like die roarin torturing and causing suffering to defencless creatures they are cowards bullies and shiteballs that what they are
Why not take him n his buddies boat/driving license. Drug/alcohol charges???
I think he should be on the FBI list
Sick just so dad &sick that a human being could do this to a living breathing being animals are just like us they hurt they cry &they feel with your hearts
Money talks and shit walks. Unfortunately, that hasn’t changed.
Totally vile individual. Agree that he should lose a limb…take a hand!
fucking scum.
Too little consequence, he will learn nothing from this. Bbut never forget Karma is a bitch, this will catch up with him and he will pay the proper price.
The only way to put an end to animal abuse is as follows: jail d perpetrator 4 a yr, ban d person from ever owning or being around animals, give a criminal record & lastly amputate a limb! Yes people cut off a limb. Only wem d consequences r so dire will animal cruelty end!
That sentence just lets animal abuser nelieve there is no consequences for torturing a living breathing creature. That is disgraceful. Not even a fine…
Thisi Michael Wenzel must have psychopathic tendencies if he’s able to get joy from hurting animals. He should undergo psychiatric evaluation and serve out a lot more community service under the watchful eye of an animal conservation agency. Shame on him and his lack of empathy for the animals he has tortured and killed. And shame on his parents for not disciplining him for this.
What a dick.
what the HELL made him think this was o.k? he needs to learn respect for other living species.SO GLAD he did’nt get away with this.
Piece of shit, your time will come!
How about we just tie him up by the ankles and drag him for 10 miles across the ocean at high speed?!
Fair turnabout!