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Floridians block hit-and-run driver from escaping, smash his car with a sledge hammer

Hialeah (WTFF) A hit-and-run incident turned into chaos on Sunday when the driver tried to get away and was blocked by various drivers, including one wielding a sledge hammer. #FloridaStrong

Here’s the video:

Read more at miamiherald.com

25-year-old Maxwell Lagutenko was the driver who was trying to flee the scene. He’s been ticketed 29 times in 10 years, and has also been arrested for many other things like drugs, including oxycodone and cocaine (Florida Man’s favorites). Read more…

Here’s his mugshot:

Maxwell Lagutenko

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6 years ago

Too bad they could not break the window and hit Mr. Smug. How many times do we have to catch this guy and let him go before he kills someone in an accident?

6 years ago

these dumbasses still shouldn’t be smashing his window, i would run them over if they did that