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Florida Man takes a dump in a parking lot


CRESTVIEW, Fla. (WFLA) – A mysterious pooper was caught on camera relieving himself outside of a Florida business.

Security video shows a shirtless, bearded man dropping his pants and taking a dump between two cars parked in an alley beside Joey the Jeweler in Crestview.

The crappy crime was reported after an employee nearly stepped on the evidence, and the video was shared on Facebook shortly after the incident.

“This is just nasty!” store owner Forrest “Joey” Tinklepaugh said the post. “People have no respect for others anymore!” Facebook followers were quick to chime in, dubbing the culprit “Crapperman.”

Police said they canvassed the neighborhood, but no one in the area matched the man’s description. Now they’re asking for the public’s help in identifying the suspect.

“Incidents like these have a negative effect on the quality of life in our community,” Police Chief Tony Taylor said…

“It’s just downright shameful when people don’t give a crap about their town. It really stinks.”

Source: wfla.com

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Florida Man takes a dump in a parking lot

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[…] Florida Man takes a dump in a parking lot […]