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Florida Man uses White Nationalist Flag to Attack a Costa Rican

Hollywood, FL:

In this video, a man is seen holding a hybrid of the Confederate Battle Flag and The Black Cross of Southern Nationalism.

The latter flag’s design was stolen from Saint Andrew’s Cross (Celtic/Christian) and repurposed by America’s neo-racists, like the ones that showed up in Charlottsville.

According to League of the South, a known extremist group, “the white field stands for our Folk and for purity. The black stands for no surrender.”

So that’s basically code for we’re a bunch of white supremacists who can’t stand seeing demographic shifts take place… These are essentially domestic terrorists, and are more extremist than your average “rebel flag” waving southerner who never read a history book.

The man holding this hybrid flag points his finger and says, “you’re spewing anti-southern hatred,” to which an unseen man replies with condemnations, saying “you were screaming about Jews, you were screaming about blacks, you’re a racist…”

Another man steps up and asks our flag-wielding Florida Man, “Why’d you call me a motherfucker?” Apparently he did earlier.

“Cause you’re a filthy communist,” replies the flag bearer.

The man replies, “I ain’t no Communist, bro… I’m Costa Rican…”

“Well then go back to Costa Rica!” yells the obsolete man filled with hate.

Another reply was made, and in response the flag bearer yelled “C’mon! C’mon motherfucker C’mon!” as he lunged towards the other man with the flag pole.

Police took him down before he could stabby-stabby.

The overly-stimulated crowd rejoiced over the fiasco, which probably only fed the hatred inside the man as police detained him.

The jeers and name-calling in this situation are understandable because of adrenaline, but should serve as a lesson to those watching safely at home; Hate cannot be defeated with more hate.

Everybody cool it, and don’t provoke these angry people. Instead, try talking to them. A simple “Hi, what’s your name?” in a calm tone can open a discussion of healing. If your goal is to truly eliminate racism, start with the core. Will this work for everyone? Of course not. Does that mean you shouldn’t try? Of course not. Just be nice. It makes a big difference, and it’s the only way through. Defeating others creates more hatred, because the defeated party stays angry. Analyze what you REALLY want to fix, and make sure your words and actions are useful towards achieving that goal.

That being said, it’s a proud moment when Floridians take a stand against racism and terrorists. Let’s continue standing up for what’s right while letting go of greed, hatred, and delusion.

Florida’s a beautifully diverse state, and we’re gonna keep it that way.

The original video uploaded by Jess T on Aug 30 was titled “White supremacist taken down by police at protest in Hollywood, Fl 8/30/2017” and the info read “Angry white supremacist attacks peaceful protesters at rally that supports taking down historically racist street names in Hollywood, FL.”

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Florida Man uses White Nationalist Flag to Attack a Costa Rican

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