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Another Cowardly White Republican Goes on Shooting Spree, This Time at a Yoga Studio

Scott Paul Beierle, shooter

Tallahassee (WTFF) – Another shooting spree happened in the United States, which isn’t really news. This time it was at a Yoga studio.

40-year-old Scott Paul Beierle was identified as the shooter, reports Miami Herald.

While Trump continues to fear-monger and play into the psyches of stupid white people by spewing nonsense about an invasion from a “Migrant Caravan,” our own domestic terrorists slip under the radar.

Beierle killed two people and wounded five others on Friday before ending his cowardly act of terror by killing himself.

The Tallahassee Police Department identified the two people who were killed as Dr. Nancy Van Vessem, 61, and Maura Binkley, 21. (CNBC)

The shooting most likely stemmed from a domestic incident, according to TallyPD.

Scott was a High School English teacher from 2005-2007, and a U.S. Army Veteran from 2008-2010, according to data from his LinkedIn page. Like most people who get conned into joining the U.S. Army, he’s spent the last 5 years looking for a job. The Army will promise you benefits, job placement, etc., but usually all they give you is PTSD and physical/emotional damage.

Scott posing with a cut-out of Ronald Reagan, a hero to many fearful white men in America.

Scott Beierle was a member of the “FSU College Republicans” and “We Are Conservatives” groups on Facebook, according to Heavy. This should come as no surprise.

He was living in Deltona at the time of the shooting.

In 2014 he was arrested for battery.

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Another Cowardly White Republican Goes on Shooting Spree, This Time at a Yoga Studio

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6 years ago

Interesting side note: when a white person shoots a couple people he’s a terrorist, which is true. Shouldn’t shoot people. But a black person shoots a couple people and it’s just a dispute in the hood. Fuck them Nikes dawg. It ain’t worth it.

6 years ago

Are you fucking kidding? A cowardly white Republican? I’m a white Republican. I wouldn’t do this. Guess you forgot about the fucking liberal Democrat that shot up a bunch of Republicans at a softball game. Fuckin liberal douche. Punch yourself in the face. And they let people like you vote. I certainly hope you don’t procreate.

6 years ago

Who wrote this, a 12yo?

6 years ago

Way not to hate a whole race. Because of a few nuts = bigotry. People of color get a pass on domestic incidents but not the majority race of the country

6 years ago

Vote blue, people! End the easy access to guns and BEGIN funding mental health care instead of lining the pockets of the rich.

6 years ago

Same trash, different day…

6 years ago

Stemmed from a domestic translates to politically motivated Republican. Got it.

6 years ago

We’re you at Starbucks being offended while you wrote this?

6 years ago

MAGA means getting rid of liberal pussys who go to yoga VOTE DONALD TRUMP 2020

6 years ago

better sleep with one eye open bitch

6 years ago

fuck you faggot!!! i hope those mexicans shoot yor bitch ass for writing such stupid shit!!!! you liberal piece of shit fuck you!!!!