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Republican Ross Spano Proposes a Bill Declaring Porn a Public Health Crisis

Living in Florida can be stressful.

More often than not, an ejaculation can safely unravel the knotted web of frustration spun into our minds by the scolding heat and insanity that we face on a daily basis.

Porn helps with this release immensely, especially for those on a tight schedule. Most people can agree it’s harmless, and even has medical benefits such as lowering blood pressure.

Not Ross Spano…

spano ross

This particular Dover Republican believes that pornography is creating a “public health crisis.”

UPDATE: In January he changed the language to read “public health risk,” trying not to sound so ridiculous. The bill is still ridiculous.

He believes so adamantly in his demonization of porn, that he proposed House Bill 157 to “protect citizens of this state” from pornography.


In a state that’s inundated with Florida Man articles, from theft to drug addiction to violence and murder… it’s boobies that disturb him the most.

According to floridapolitics.com, other bills like this have been introduced and passed in other states such as Utah and Tennessee… states that make Floridians look like geniuses.

You probably won’t be able to stop this, because politicians really don’t give a fuck what you think… but you can at least tell him what a stupid idea this is by contacting him on his website.


Now, back to PornHub it is for me…

Oh, and what a surprise:

Twitter account of Florida lawmaker, who’s trying to declare porn a public health crisis, ‘liked’ a porn clip


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Republican Ross Spano Proposes a Bill Declaring Porn a Public Health Crisis

Category: Politics
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[…] Republican Ross Spano Proposes a Bill Declaring Porn a Public Health Crisis […]