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Florida Bear Smacks a Floridian

Andy Meunier bear attack

Naples (WTFF) – A Floridian got smacked by a bear outside his home.

Andy Meunier was taking his dog outside on Tuesday evening, when he turned around and saw a bear hanging out a feet away.

“Everything went in slow motion. It was just as scary as you can imagine,” said Andy to ABC 7.

“It was standing in front of me and I tried to turn left real quick and get back in the house, and caught an uppercut from a brown, or a black, bear.”

The smack put a big gash on his face that required 41 stitches to close up, says ABC News.

The bear punch knocked him to the ground, but Andy’s a resilient Floridian and was able to leap back up and run inside his home. He barely survived.

“Truthfully, I’m not sure how I got out alive,” he said.

Bears are nothing bizarre to Floridians. Many of us have spotted these giant dog-like creatures rummaging through our garbage and groaning hello.

“I’ve seen them before, just never 2 feet away, swinging at me.”

The FWC had to think fast… what do bears find irresistible…?


So the FWC placed traps around the neighborhood, baiting the bears with doughnuts. Luckily, no Florida Mans have tried to eat the bait… yet.


Andy has a good attitude about the whole thing, saying, “I don’t care if this scars, or anything, I walked away with my life, and it could’ve been a whole lot worse.”

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Florida Bear Smacks a Floridian

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