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Sarasota County and MTV Siesta Key – Public Record Documents


The first PDF contains potential filming locations and contacts and more, the second PDF is an insurance agreement between Bobby Aguilar of Entertainment One Reality Productions and a few Sarasota County departments. The third file is a DOCX of their production schedule.

Email response:

RE: Public Records Request of 8/8/2017, Reference # W001169-080817

Dear WTF,

Sarasota County received a public records request from you on 8/8/2017. Your request mentioned

“Please send me all email correspondence between Sarasota County and MTV (and their holding companies, such as Viacom), especially in regards to the filming of their reality show, “Siesta Key.”Please also send any permits, proposals, or documents relating to the MTV show, “Siesta Key.”Thank you so much for your time!”.

Sarasota County has reviewed its files and has located responsive records to your request. Please log in to the Public Records Request portal to retrieve the responsive records.

With regards to email correspondence, the request must be specific in detail so that there is no question the records you’re seeking. A specific date range for the search is required. If there are alias names involved in the search, those will need to be provided. The use of words such as “Siesta Key” will yield a large volume of records making your request extensive, and it’s probable a good part of those emails will not be related to your search. The volume of records and required staff time also contribute to the fees associated with a request. Your request can be processed using the word “Siesta Key” however it is suggested that the search be narrowed to ensure your obtain the records you desire. Also, providing specific email addresses for your search impacts the volume as well. Please provide more specific detail in your email search request.

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this further, please contact me.

Thank you.

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