Tag: Scams
Eyesore on I-4

The infamous “eyesore on I-4” in Altamonte Springs, near exit 94… »
Florida Ranks Number One in the Country for Fraud

Once again, we’re in first place! …Well, at least for consumer complaints about fraud and identity theft. Residents of the Sunshine State filed more complaints per capita about problems with debt collectors, imposter scams, telephone services and other issues, while the state ranked second with consumer complaints about ID theft, according to a new report […] »
Florida Man scams women by pretending to have cancer; pulls gun on reporter
Sometimes good things happen in Florida. Cute headlines make national news against the torrent of derelicts that toply rank our Florida Man articles. These good headlines are not always what they seem. Take for instance: “Florida Man With Terminal Cancer Fulfills Dying Wish, Marries a Long Lost Love After Reconnecting on Facebook…” Sounds great, eh? […] »