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Over 250,000 Gallons of Raw Sewage Spill at Wastewater Treatment Facility

Map of the incident location (Google Maps screenshot)

Longwood (WTFF) – A broken force main caused around 252,700 gallons of raw sewage to release at a wastewater treatment facility in Seminole County.

The incident was reported to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection on Wednesday morning by the regional manager of the Wekiva Hunt Club Wastewater Treatment Facility at 144 Ledbury Drive, Longwood, FL.

The facility is privately owned by Sanlando Utilities Corp., a subsidiary of Utilities, Inc.

Drinking water was not affected, but the spill did cause “environmental impact,” the report states.

The release is on-going, but has been contained on-site at the facility. Clean-up actions are planned once the release has ceased.

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